Chapter 50: Setting out with the Toad Sage...

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A week had passed since Naruto had obtained the Byakugou seal. Tsunade taught her the 100 Healing Jutsu and gave her the contract for summoning the medical slug, Katsuyu. The slug was said to be very large in size and the size of herself summoned depends on how much chakra her summoner used. Katsuyu resided in the Shikkotsu woods. Naruto was sceptical about accepting the summons at first. She had summoned Fukasaku who simply laughed at her dilemma before giving his consent, saying that it wasn't illegal to have more than one summoning contract.

Kurama, however, was grumpy. She had given him the heads up for the toad contract and yet he had been reluctant when she actually received it. When Naruto asked Tsunade the importance of Katsuyu, she said that the long-distance healing by Katsuyu was dependent on the Byakugou seal and the chakra of the user, along with the time period of summoning. Thus, Kurama had to relent after listening to the explanation. After seeing the interaction between Naruto and Katsuyu, a kind slug with gentle nature and big heart, Kurama declared that she was way better than the toads.

Jiraiya gave an entrance again. This was flashy, but not in his favour. He tried to barge through the window as usual when Tsunade was briefing Naruto about a mission. Finally, he had to come through the door with burns in several places. The fire barrier seal was installed a week ago by Naruto in gratitude to Tsunade. The two blondes couldn't wait to see the expression on the face of a certain lazy Hatake when he fell victim. He had the same annoying habit as Jiraiya, but did it only to annoy the Hokage, unlike Jiraiya, who had to do it since his visits to Konoha were short and important.

After healing Jiraiya, Naruto was once again presented with the offer. This time, she accepted it. After all, she had her diamond, and her position in ANBU was stable. She had already prepared for this situation. There was one more step left and she would take it soon. Jiraiya was elated. He gave her the rest of the day to pack and bid farewell to others. They would be leaving early the next morning.

Naruto went to Hiruzen and Iruka, who was consulting the old man regarding a problem with obnoxious students, and told them both of her trip outside the village. She told the Sandaime that if either he or Fugaku wanted to meet her, he should contact Tsunade. 

Akira went to Kazuhiko, telling him about a problem of hers which wouldn't allow her to assemble with her teammates as usual. But should he need her for missions and training, she should summon her through a seal she then gave him. This seal was based on the ANBU tattoo seal, but with improved range, responding only to Kazuhiko. She then went to Arata and Daisuke. The three of them had their usual bonding time of spars, dinner and chat.She gave them a seal similar to the one with Kazuhiko, that would respond only to the chakra of them both. She gave them an excuse of family business and they knew not to pry.

Naruto then visited Itachi and Shisui over a campfire and marshmallows. When she told them of her trip outside Konoha for 3 years, they froze. Once again, it was Shisui who came out of the stupor first. The lad was agitated, while his cousin kept his cool, knowing that all his queries would be asked by the older boy. Shisui started bombarding Naruto with questions one after another regarding her safety. She answered each of them with patience that hid gratitude towards her best friends for being so caring. It was almost 2 hours when the interrogation was over and the two Uchihas relaxed visibly. 

Itachi was an ice king to all but family. But seven years of friendship does wonders. He showed the hidden side of him to his friends that he hid from his family too. He bickers with Naruto as much as, if not more than, how much he bickers with Shisui.

The two Uchihas didn't let her leave without the promise of a letter every month or two. Naruto modified it to some late letters in case she needed to go into hiding. The three simply came to a compromise.

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