Chapter 115: Your Family is Crazy

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I'm reminding my readers once again: female form of the protagonist shall be henceforth mentioned as Namiko, and her male form as Naruto.

Till something happens...

Three people walked in the streets of Konoha away from the Hokage Tower

"I've had very few opportunities to visit Konoha back, this is the first time I'm checking our country's shinobi village out in leisure." The oldest said. He sported the white head of an old grandfather that was nearly bald, but had a beard twice as long as his longest hair strand on top of his head. The cane he used to walk was only a tool to help his movements which he insisted did not required any aid, but was forced upon to pick up by his eldest grandson.

"Well, the Capital is never lacking of adventure, is it?" The lady next to him conversed good natured. She had a distorted-square red hat that had the kanji for fire, a green haori that was a shade away from obnoxious to be medical enough, but with kanji for gamble on the back. "I do like to believe that Konoha is not lacking there." Her smile was a turn away from a smirk.

The old man chuckled before outright smirking cheekily at her, "Oh the capital is always busy. For all its splendour and propriety, the Daimyo's palace is quite a metaphorical bloody battleground. Oh the drama! Some of us nobles would hire strong shinobi like this young man here, only for showing off to our rivals. I criticize those clowns but I've been guilty for the same for the majority of my tenure as a clan head. I met with Taishiro during one such 'battle' with the clan head of Sato. This was a few years before he moved to the capital."

The mentioned young man who was accompanying them had hair darker than night with obsidian eyes. His pronounced tear-troughs, an inheritance from his father, but more prominent in him, only enhanced his beauty. He wore a simple unassuming outfit of a Konoha Jounin, that made anyone who didn't know him not suspect of his role in ANBU. This young man simply accompanied the two 'in-laws' briefly expressing appropriately at the right places. He was also waiting for a certain topic to be raised in  the discussion and he was not disappointed.

"I'll still say the Awa Odori at the Capital is better, but I'll admit that I might be biased. However, the Yuhi Clan must be commended for their splendour performance. The way they incorporated a dancer not of their colours is beautiful." The old man, Vashti Shigure declared.

"Well, this doesn't happen often, but the clan does look out for potential candidates from citizens outside the clan. Each dance is a new evocation, and it's even more alluring when a non-Yuhi joins in. The Yondaime Hokage had taken part in this ritual as well and had charmed many ladies and gents that night, much to the Habanero's ire." The woman, Senju Tsunade joked.

"Speaking of Yondaime-sama and his legacy," -there it is- "wasn't the out-clan dancer this year Naruto's cousin?" Shigure asked. "Yes, a distant clan member, but similar nonetheless. Her name is Namiko." The pale blonde confirmed before turning to their youngest companion, "Itachi, where is Naruto?"

The Uchiha, hiding his smug (not goofy, no sir) smile at the mention of his favourite blonde(s) answered dutifully, "He's accompanied by Namiko to check with Vashti-sama's family."

Nodding to him, Tsunade turned towards their guest, "Would you like to go join the family to retire now, Vashti-sama?"

"Are you calling me old, Hokage-sama?" Shigure cried out dramatically, before sighing, "Brats don't respect the elders these days. I'd want to join them. I haven't talked to the young lade Namiko since I've arrived, and I'd like to compliment her for her performance."

Tsunade gave a short nod of agreement, "Very well then, I'm afraid I have to cut our meeting short here. Uchiha-kun here will escort you to your family and Namikaze-kun."

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