Chapter 57: Snooping through a hideout or two...

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There seems to have been a glitch while publishing the previous chapter....

Anyway, here's the next one!

I am as impatient as you all in seeing how the story is going to unfold!!

The duo went to the hideout where they had previously encountered the Snake Sannin. The hideout was trashed. There was rubble everywhere, and it's inhabitants, i.e., Orochimaru's followers in that particular hideout, were either dead, or had left in a hurry, breaking some vials and stuff in the process.

They searched through scrolls and research materials. Orochimaru had been studying a lot of things and researching a lot of Jutsus from stolen scrolls. They were forbidden Jutsus from many villages, the five great nations and the minor nations too. Orochimaru was a scientist to the core, researching every detail of the human anatomy more than any medic would do, performing jutsus on the human body, using his observations to with other Kinjutsus (Forbidden Techniques) to create new ones. He was a prodigy of his own kind. No wonder he was Hiruzen's favourite student. Only if his aims weren't so crooked...

Naruto had new found respect and disgust for Orochimaru- Respect for his brilliance, disgust at the whole new level of grossness of his experiments.

She took scrolls that were in good condition, looked over them before packing them to return them to their respective villages. They came out of the hideout when Naruto asked, "Sensei, didn't one of your men in Tanigakure (Village Hidden in the Valleys) say that there was one of Orochimaru's hideouts in this place?" "Ah yes! It was supposed to be due East of the juction where we found Orochimaru's trail. The trail was due West, and led us here. Want to go there too?" "Why not? If we find some more stolen articles, we can return them." 

They sneaked into the hideout. It wan't like other hideouts. Not many worked there. There was a beefy bald man who was ordering around five skinny chained kids with a sneer. The duo observed them. The supervisor seemed to be a real sadist who must've joined Orochimaru both out of fear and for the chance to terrorize people and for power. The five kids were orphans from Kirigakure, lured with false promises. They were being mistreated, no surprise.

Naruto knocked out the five kids while Jiraiya threw a kunai that ran straight through the throat of the supervisor, and another that ran through his heart. His body was examined for any identification that formerly connected him to any village.

He was Mizuho, a genin, despite his age, from Kusagakure who left the village after a poor murder attempt of the Kage. Being a rebel and bully since a young age, he joined Orochimaru. The body was sealed away to be sent off to Kusagakure. The village had been freed from Orochimaru's influence since the Chunin exams in Konoha three years ago.

The unconscious kids were placed aside safely as Naruto examined the hideout with her Sensei. There were scrolls- blank and written- ink and brush. This lab was one for seals and research of certain scrolls. few scrolls belonged to Takigakure, Tanigakure and Kusagakure. But the rest of them, which had the count of almost 100 were from a single village.

Naruto saw a sealed shelf nearby and removed the locking seal without damaging the contents inside. Inside were a scroll and a mask. The mask was that of the Shinigami, the scroll was one of the Uzumaki's, containing the seals involving the Death God.

The hundred scrolls belonged to Uzushiogakure. Naruto the collected the scrolls and the mask frowning. She had resurrected the Uzumaki Hall of Masks and found a mask missing, but she didn't know which one it was till now.

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