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A/N:This is the first Fanfiction I have every wrote. It probably wont be good and I might not be able to update often. I am a complete HP fan and I love HP stories! Now on with mine!

A/N: Okay so I started this storey on march 8th and it's now the 20th.  I cam here to say I lied about not publishing often. I have published everyday since then at least one to four chapters a day. But I also have to tell  you that when I first started this storey, I wanted it to be a Dramione, and it is, but I was so focused on trying to make my storey match the origanal book that it was hard to incorporate Dramione and I think my storey got boring from me trying to hard. With my trying to make it match the book, the Dramione wasn't that good. I have Dramione throught the whole storey so I can't really tell you a place to start, but if you want less of the origanal book I would probably suggest " the hospita wing" As a place to start. That is about the moment where I discontinued following everything that happened in the origanal book. I know that chapter is a little brong too, but further chapters start to get more fun. So please read! Please let me know in the comments below whether I should edit all the beggining chapters to get rid of a lot of uneeded stuff. Thanks! Please read!


Disclaimer: The wonderfull world of Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and not me. 

" Hurry! We're going to miss the train!" A frantic Mrs.Weasly was running around the house with her hair all all messy, ordering people around. " Ronald! I told you to have your trunk packed last night!" "And it was , Mum." He replied. " I just needed something this morning and everything sort of fell out. " Mrs.Weasly huffed in annoyance and walked away to go check on other important matters. 

" Oi, Harry! Have you seen my quidditch robes?" Yelled Ron. " I thought you packed last night" Harry's emerald green eyes held a hint of amusment at his best friend. "well...I.. did!" Spluttered Ron. " I doubt you did Ronald. The moment you went to supposedly packed your trunk, was the same moment everyone went deaf from your snoring." Both Harry and Ron turned to face their best friend Hermione standing there with her arms  crossed and a stern look on her face. Ron's ears turned as red as his hair. " I don't snore that loud. Your over exaggerateing." He said. " Ah, sorry mate you kind of do" Harry scratched the back of his neck in embarrasment. Ron's shoulders slumped. Hermione laughed. " Oh come on Ron, we're only joking. " She hit him playfully in the arm and walked away. If possible, Ron's ears turned even more red. 

" Oh look! The ministry cars are here!" The firey red head Ginny Weasly pointed out the window of the burrow. There was a mad rush as a ton of bodies and their heavy trunks were hurring to get out the door. " Ah" Said Ron, trying to squeeze between Fred and George. " Doors were made for only one person to walk through,  not everyone at once." " Then get out of the way so I can walk through" Said George. " No way! Besides you two aren't even going to school so let me through!" Fred gasped." Ickle Ronnie kins doesn't know?" " know what? What don't I know?" "That your making everyone very mad that you aren't going through the door!" Ginny exclaimed. " Oops, sorry" Ron backed out of the way so the Weasly twins could walk through. 

Outside there were two black ministy cars. Harry looked around at at everyone carrying their big trunks. He turned to Mr.Weasly. " Err... Mr.Weasly how is everyone and their trunks going to fit? I mean their isn't even enough seats for everyone let alone their trunks". Mr.Weasly just laughed. " Harry my boy! These aren't muggle cars! They're magicaly enchanted to be bigger on the inside. Just watch, You'll see." 

One of the black ministry car drivers got stepped out of the front seat and tipped his hat. " Morning, Arthur." He turned and tipped his hat again." Family." "Good Morning, Arnold. How is the ministry today?" Mr.Weasly replied. " Oh the usual" Said Arnold. " We got that trial today, are you going to be there? " Mr.Weasly sighed. "If I can make it" He said. The driver sat back down in the car. " What trail, Dad?" Asked Ron. " Oh you know, we had to raid some houses lately, and well..we found something that caught our attention in one of the houses." "who's house?" Harry peaked up to listen. "It's not my bussiness to tell Ron." Ron slumped and walked car. 

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