A Fixiation For Ink ~smut~

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~~hey haha I'm alive-, I don't know what possessed me for writing this, but I got bored one day and just kind of wrote this down, I hope you'll enjoy (also, I decided to use neutral pronouns from now on, to make it more enjoyable for every person out there). Warning NSFW: Oral Fixation I guess?, Nipple Play, Penetration, Dirty Talk, Edging and Cock Warming~~

Y/N wasn't sure what series of events lead them to be, quite literally, on their boss's lap, tracing his tattoos with their fingers and nails, occasionally adding a little bit of tongue to the mix, but they weren't going to start to complain now, not with Midas's chocked whines and desperate rutting hips, how could such a powerful man be so adorable at the same time. "Come on boss, it's only us here, the changing booths are far from the beach", Y/N whispered in his ear, hand groping one of his pecks as their thumb grazed over his nipple, smirking at the way he sharply inhaled, ever so sensitive. Their lips mouthed at his threw back neck, tasting the slightly salty sweat building up in the heating room, their hands never stopped their ministrations of tracing and teasing, adding the slight grind of hips of their own to the mix, feeling his erection pressing up to their pelvis, a shiver crawled up their spine. Midas slammed his hand down the wooden plank of the booth, teeth grinding as he swore, "Fuck Y/N...", he felt their mouth smirk against his flushed skin, but their hips never stopped their motions. "I plan on it golden boy, I came prepared after all", at his confused expression they let out a chuckle, before slight rasing theirself with their knees, pressing one hand down Midas's hips to keep him still as the other pulled their swim tracks off, revealing to the man's hungry eyes their already lubed hole. Midas's hands sneaked up to their hips, squeezing and palming their thighs on the way, "And I'm the desperate one? You're the one who came already fucked up", he breathlessly teased as their thumb hooked under his swim tracks, bringing them down to his ankles in a swift motion. His erection stood proud, shaft an almost angry red and purple, already wet with his own precrum. It twicthed as their hand softly wrapped around it, thumb smearing his cum more throughly, "I guess we can agree-", their hand guided the tip to their hole, grinding down a couple of times, quite never breaching in, "-that we are both a couple of sluts", they finally lowered their hips, whimpering with bitten lips as their skin stretched and loosened around his length, feeling their insides being prodded and caressed at every inch of his cock, muscles jumping as his shaft nudged against their g-spot, the hands on their hips tighten almost painfully as the man sharply inhaled, before finally their inner thighs touched his crotch, their breath was laboured while his got heavier, one hand sneaked up their stomach, slightly pressing down on the soft skin before it went towards their chest, "You're always so full of yourself, whether it's out in the field or behind a desk, but I guess that now-", his pointy finger pressed down just below their navel, "you're full of me". Y/N squawked an indignant sound as their hand slapped his chest, glaring harder at his laugh, "Shut the fuck up Midas!", but their face only heated up more as his thumbs massaged their hips, urging them to hump at his crotch. "Admit it, you'd like that", he breathed out as their hips finally, finally, started to almost shily grind back and forth, hands finding purchase on his stomach and shoulder as they got into it, brows pinched in concentration and tongue adorably peeking from their lips. "I'm neither conforming or denying that", they moaned as the dick inside of them twitched, "That's just as good as a yes in my book, it wouldn't be the first time you let me come inside and then go on about you day like noth-", his shameless accuse got cut off by a whine of his own throat at the sensation of their walls contracting and spamming around his dick as they slowly rose up, leaving only the tip in before they fell back down, a wet skin on skin smack ringed in the air, but at this point? Neither of them cared. Y/N set a slow but steady pace, with all the intent in the world to absolutely milk the man underneath them dry, to get revenge on his down right sinful words, to make him reach his peak only to cut off his release, to bask in his cries and pleads and begs, their hips found new vigor, back arching as they leaned backwards, intent in giving him a show, and apparently they did, Midas cursed and threw his head back, neck tattoos slowly being coloured in that rich gold he had in his hands, pecks and thighs flexing with every desperate rut, hips coming up to connect to that warm heat on top of him. Midas felt them shift on top of him, felt their nails rake down his stomach, following the lines of ink that were pooling into gold, warm breath and soft lips rested against his temple, "Is someone going to cum?". He shivered, hands frenzy trying to find purchase on their undulating body. He could feel it, that heat threatening to burst through his skin, rising and boiling till he felt it at the base of cock, just one more thrust in that soft flesh and he would- Fingers circled the base of his dick and squeezed, Midas found himself shouting as that blinding heat suddenly got cut off, bucking wildly trying to chase it, growling frustrated as he inevitably felt it shimmer away. "What the fuck Y/N!?", they just smiled, "consider this karma from earlier", he opened his mouth to retort, but his mouth dried out as he watched them straddle his thighs once more, hand coming to gently redirect his dick to their hole once more, enveloping him in that warmth, moans softly crawling their way from their parted lips, before they curled into a devilish smirk. Fuck.
"Ready to go again cowboy?"
This was going to be a long, 'quickie'.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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