Cold Touch, Purple Hue ~smut~

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~~Hey ya'll- I ain't dead, not yet, and well with the fortnite update I suddenly got the inspiration to make this little Halloween special? Whatever you wanna call it, because that new Midas is gonna make me act up-.
Dom!Midas x Sub!Reader, Female masturbation, Slight edging and Overstimulation, Usage of a dildo, Voyeurism, Some Praises and some Dirty talk~~(image credit: xoxo_julesx on Instagram)

"Don't stop love, keep your eyes on me"
Whining Y/N forced her eyes to open, gaze unfocused for a few seconds, before she snapped her attention to the pale figure sitting in a chair by the end of her bed. Her tongue licked her lips, and with a sore voice she spoke, "M-Midas...please".
Midas chuckled, his shoulders shook a little, "I told you to keep going love, you don't want to start over do you?". Crossing his legs he leaned even further on the chair, one elbow propped up and the other resting on his thigh, he was enjoying this far too much, and even if he didn't particularly showed it, the erection straining against his black trousers was all the affirmation Y/N needed. The room was barely illuminated, the only sources of light were the randomly placed candles, no windows on the walls, and that just made Y/N sweat even more, some drops of it were falling down her neck like tears, others catching in her furrowed brows, while her inner thighs glistend with a mixture of sweat and her wetness. She didn't know how long they'd been here, or how many times she had to start over, her orgasms just kept on coming, only for her to close her eyes right when she was about to burst, and that was the one thing she wasn't allowed to do. If she wanted to cum, she had to look right in his eyes as she did so. Keening out in frustration she brought her damped fingers back down on her pussy, her eyes stayed locked on his the entire process, even as her fingers' pads rapidly massaged her clit, before she used two of them to gather up her cum and slowly push them knuckle deep into her soft and overstimulated walls, she was getting desperate, her body, mind, hell even her soul needed, no, craved that orgasm she has been chasing and building up, and now she was determined to actually achieving it.
Her digits brushed against that spongy spot, and her hips gave a sharp shake, chasing her own hand, while her face fell slack into a silent gasp, lips taking that "o" shape that Midas liked so much. Speaking of the man, his eyes fell almost close, their glowing purple colour shining through, his jaws tensing as he observed the woman in front of him, the moment her eyes locked into his he felt his restraint waver, his desire to just push her hand away to replace it with his own fingers or tongue made him growl. "That's it, that's a good girl Y/N" her moans just made him smirk, "And good girls cum when they're told to, right?" Her frantic nods made him sigh is delight, her eyes never left his, good.
Leaning with his elbows perched on the end of the bed, he slowly crawled his way on top of her, hips and shoulders undulating like he was some kind of predator stalking his prey. Y/N groaned as he came closer, her hand slowed down, and her blush spread down her neck. "M-Midas what-" his hand suddenly grabbed her wrist, preventing it from leaving her pussy, his face leaned down until they touched foreheads.
"I didn't tell you to stop, did I?".
His breath was cold as he growled those words. The hand wrapped around her wrist just tighten it's hold as her big watery eyes fluttered, almost closing before she caught herself, head shaking as she muttered a soft no, hand shyly picking up her pace again. At that Midas softly groaned, she was so obedient when she wanted to. "That's right Y/N, and you're a good girl aren't you?".
Her moans were down right sinful now, the squelching noises from between her legs resonated all over the room, "Yes!...I-I am". Midas cooed at her, his smirk only widening, "Yeah? After all the time you had to start over?", his tone took a mocking edge, that only turned into a laugh after hearing her sobs. "Prove it then", the hand holding her wrist snaked down to her clit, cold purple fingers probing and pushing until he started his merciless assault. "Fuck! Please Midas! Please please" her hips shuddered and spasmed as her whole body jerked under his ministrations, "I'll do anything, just..please!-", the knot forming in her lower abdomen was starting to get painful, threatening to burst at any second now. His eyes grew cold, the black irises fully dilated. He brought his lips closer to hers, barely touching as he whispered out, "Then cum".
The scream that ripped itself out her throat could rival those of the shadows that patrolled the ruins. Her hand quickly moving, an attempt to drag her mind blowing orgasm for as long as she could, even if her muscles were starting to get cramped, arm screaming in protest, walls convulsing around her fingers. As his hand never slowed down his assault in her clit she sobbed, the pleasure now turning into overwhelming.....something. It was so much, too much, way too many sensations.
"T-too much! Fuck! Midas!"
His hand quickly moved away from between her legs, now taking it's place with the other on her cheeks, thumbs softly petting her as he laid kisses all over her face, mouth mumbling sweet nothings at every kiss.
"You did so good Y/N" a kiss on her cheek, "Such a good girl you were for me", another between her furrowed brows, "Shh, shh shh, lemme take care of you", a last one on her nose, "Close your eyes love, rest".
Y/N gulped down air like a fish out of water, his words slowly but steadily grounding her down on earth, and when she was conscious enough she finally registered his soft kisses, and close her eyes? She could do that.
Purring in satisfaction and partially relief, Midas just kept on making sure he didn't push her too far, now massaging her cramped arm as he waited for her to be coherent enough to able to still give her consent. (I know I never do this, but its EXTREMELY important to make sure your partner is coherent enough to still give their consent in the middle of a play). A few minutes passed, and Y/N finally felt strong enough to open her eyes again, blinking a few times to readjust to the darkness and soft lights of the room.
"I'm here love"
He was now laying next to her, one of his long and slender legs draping on hers as one of his hands massaged her scalp and the other handed her a glass of water, "Drink darling". Shyly taking the offered water she quickly gulped it down, only now noticing how dry her throat was, 'that's what you get for screaming like a dying chicken girl'. Scoffing at her own thoughts she hummed a thank you before she hoisted herself up on her elbows, and Midas followed suit, kneeling in front of her with his god forsaken smirk. "How do you feel?", narrowing her eyes in concentration Y/N rolled her shoulders and flexed her fingers, making sure that everything felt as it should be, "I feel fine, everything's dandy", smiling he inched closer, "Good, because I need you to tell me if I still have your consent, if you're 100% sure we can continue".
Y/N blinked, a dumb struck expression in her face; A part of her was getting worked up again, excited and ready to see what his 'continue' would be, while the other was moved by how considerate he was. The bar is so low it's not even funny. As her blush deepened so did her smile, "Yes you have my consent, we can continue". His hand grabbed a hold of her hips, bringing her closer, making Y/N sit on his lap, "Good girl...", his lips softly mouthed the muscles of her neck, sucking, biting, and licking the spot after to soothe the red skin, before he'd drag his canines all the way down her shoulder. Y/N barely stifled her moans, head moving out the way to make it easier for him, relishing in his growl of appreciation at her submission. The hands on her hips hoisted her up even more to gain easier access to her breasts, mouth and lips cold like the rest of him as he lavished her chest. Y/N's head fell on his shoulder, chest involuntary sticking out to present herself to him. "You can handle more right?" Nodding she gasped, as two of his fingers grazed her still wet opening, massaging and gathering her cum before they left her, "Do you trust me love?", Blinking she hummed, "Always".
"Then lower yourself"
Bracing herself she slowly started to lower her hips, although confused, until she froze as something sleek and hard touched her lips.
"Lower love"
Moaning softly Y/N lowered herself more, although slowly, until the head of the dildo breached her opening, stretching her making her feel that little bit of pain she loved so much. "F-fuck...Midas i-"
A yelp cut her off as the hands on her hips pushed her down even further.
"I said lower, Y/N"
His purr made her shiver, legs shaking and screaming in protest as she forced herself down the base of the toy, now fully resting on Midas' laps again. Y/N felt throughly filled, the stretch just a numb discomfort in the pleasure she felt, but between her and her thoughts, as much as she enjoyed the toy, it was nothing compared to the real deal.
Midas observed her, taking in every little gasp and moan and shake of her hips as her body adjusted to the intrusion, and when she finally settled he sprung into action, gripping her hips with more force than before, slowly raising her before letting her drop down. "Come on love, ride it like you mean it" her hands on his shoulders tighten their hold for support as she slopply rode it, mouth open as saliva dripped down. Smirking he brought his lips next to her ear, "Ride it like you mean it and maybe I'll reward you with my cock". Y/N screeched at his words, walls fluttering against the toy as an unexpected ograsm ripped through her. This was going to be a long night...

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