Drunk With The Need To Posses ~smut~ #2

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~~Jealous Sex, Rough? Sex, only at the start cause he a angry boi, but it turns soft, and then turns rough again-~~ (I know this is like almost 2 years late, but I had zero motivation till this night and wrote all of this in an hour and half, please enjoy-, also, I used she/her pronouns here, and a general description of a vagian, so be aware)

"If you're going to come" his hands raised her, making her wrap her legs around his waist, "you're going to come only when I'll let you", and whatever resistance Y/N had left completely vanished, if she wasn't so horny she might've said 'yes daddy'.

Midas quickly stepped closer once again, yanking her legs apart to make room for him, only to hook his elbows under her legs before hoisting her up. Y/N gasped and circled her arms around his neck, trying to find some sort of balance, only then she realized how....intimate, their position was.
Her back pressing on the wall, while their chests were squished together, he was so close, his cologne was making her head spin, he was warm, a nice contrast to the cold fingers that were literally tearing her panties away, wait.
A snap resonated in the empty hall, and the ripped piece of fabric fell on the floor. Y/N stared at him dumbfounded, she actually liked those panties, ome of her favourite really, but as she was right now, she found herself not caring. The arms under her legs hoisted her up even more, before his right hand came down between them, fumbling with his pants's buckle before zipping the zipper down. "You want this don't you?", the hand between them briefly palmed her tigh, his index finger gathering her wetness before he hooked a finger under his boxers, teasing a glimpse of his erection, and Y/N groaned at his teasing, but she nodded anyway, giving him what he wanted, or so she thought, but apparently he wanted to be a fucking tease, "Use your words sweetheart, you were talking so much with him" his eyes narrowed, grip tightening, "cat got your tongue?". Y/N full on sobbed, keen leaving her lips as she tried to grind down on him, fed up with his teasing, "Yes yes I do! I want this so bad!, I want your....I w-want your cock in me please!", he smirked, "good girl", his fingers slipped his erection out of his boxers, golden fingers fisting it, gathering his precum and smearing it across his length, positively lubing it up, "such a good girl", he lined his dick, grinding the tip between her lips and clit to listen to her hitched breaths, before finally sinking in, inch by inch. He had to steady himself with the wall, her warmth enveloped him slowly, almost sucking him in like it never wanted to let him go, and to be honest, he would be happy to stay. He could feel every twitch, every spasm, how she would react when his thumb came to lightly rub circles on her swollen clit, and the thought of it all made him slightly drunk with possessiveness. He ought to show her how he was the only one who could render her a bubbling mess.
Y/N felt like passing out. The sensations of the whole situation came crushing down as his hips slotted up against hers, his dick molding her walls and making space inside of her, shaft rubbing against spots that made her legs quiver and hands tightening their grip on his biceps. And then he pulled away, and that was another whole can of worms that made her fingers tingle, slowly till the tip was barely in, and in went again, slowly, almost massaging her walls, and then it happened again, and again, and again, till Y/N melted against the wall and against his frame, hips undulating in tandem with his, lips open and throat letting it's sounds run out. 'It can't get better then this', she thought, but then his thumb spread her lips and found her clit, lazily drawing patterns, and all her thoughts scrambled once again, she wanted more.
Midas got what he wanted, he had her right where he desired, hanging on with an open mouth at every thrust and push, at every flick of his thumb and flex of his legs, he loved it, it was intoxicating, and so when she asked with her sickengly addictive voice for more, who was he to resist?. The hand that leaning on the wall came to join the other one on the person's hips, hoisting and manhandling her body as he seemed fit before he draped his own over hers, lips catching the juncture where neck met shoulder, and slowly made their way to the shell of her ear, "I'm going to fuck you", his hands tighten their hold, "fast, rough, just how I like it", she shivered, and he delivered.
His thrusts were unrelenting and unforgiving, just as he promised, they left her biting her lips and feeling the burn of the wall against her back back, everything was perfect. His shaft brushed against something, deel inside of her, she keened, body convusling, "Fuck! Midas please...right there, right there!-", she sobbed and gulped down air as his postoning body shifted ever so slightly, angle changing so his head would hammer at it with ever thrust. Her whole body was buzzing, pulsing at the edge of an impending orgasm, and in her mind she was praying that he would let her cum this time.
She was close, Midas could feel it, in the rhythmic way her walls were convusling against him, almost milking him, at the way her clit seemed to pulse under his fingers, Midas could feel it. He had half the mind of denying her once more, just to see her cry and beg some more, but then her doe eyes looked up to him, tears starting to spill over and a blush travelling down her shoulders, "Please, please let me cum", his dick twitched, "Please Midas I need it", she was already sobbing and begging, fuck it then. He moaned and quickened his pace on her clit, keeping his thrusts as even as he could while he danced on the cliff of his orgasm, starving it off just so that he could watch her fall apart beneath him, and god was it worth it. Her legs clamped behind him, back arching as her arms shot out to grab at anything they would come across, lips open in silent bliss before a mantra of his name spilled out, her walls almost squeezing the orgasm out of him, in this moment she was made of light.
Lighting danced under her skin, pricking at her nails and stinging her tears, it felt so good, maybe too good as she felt him still moving after the aftermath of her orgasm, but at the sight of his dishelved hair and flushed face she forced herself to endure it, reaching for his face with shaky hands, lips on his cheek and ear, "Please come, I want to feel your cum inside me", and he did, with a curse and a throwing back of his head, his hips stuttered till they grinded against her pelvis, cock spilling everything he had to offer, Y/N shivered at the warm feeling of it inside of her.
They stayed like that for a while, catching their breaths and enjoying each others vulnerable states, before he spoke up; "You know...you're pretty when you cum". She flushed.
"Shut the fuck up!", he laughed at her attempt at slapping him.

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