Feral Needs ~smut~

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~~attention attention future readers! This one's gonna be nasty! Omega Verse AU, Omega!Y/N, Alpha!Midas, Swear Words, Bite? Kink, Rough Sex, Penetrating Sex, Knots, Claming Bite, A Little Bit Of Breeding Kink? (Come on its omega verse what did you expect? He also calls a slut once, so be aware)~~

'Nononono-!' The woman trembled, 'this can't be happening! Not here please', she was leaning against a metal table, her knuckles white from the strength of her grip, if she wasn't so busy panicking about her situation she'd think it would bend under her grip. Her legs trembled as she tried to stand up, only for another wave of pain and heat to hit her again, the woman grunted and her knees buckled. "God fucking damit! How could I forget it" she stood up again, a throbbing heat between her jelly like legs, she once again gripped the table, slowly moving towards the door, she still wasn't in her full heat, still able to form any kind of thoughts other then sex, but that didnt mean that she actually could think clear, the pheromones were starting to speed up her breath, her scent glad was itching and throbbing under the skin of her neck, just a couple of minutes and the gland would surely start to release it's scent. Y/N finally reached the door, with each step she took she could feel more and more of her wetness spreading in her panties, "this is the worst....I....i have to hide", opening the door she leaned against the wall, the cool bricks soothing her quickly heated skin, her hair was already starting to stick to her neck and forehead, looking around the hall she was relieved when it was empty. Placing her hands on the wall she tried, she really tried her best to quickly walk down the hall. As she approached the broom closet at the end of hall, she failed to notice the ear piece that fell on the floor, beeping with a red light with an unseen message.
Midas was becoming more and more upset as minutes went by, his pacing back and forth making the other agents feel uneasy, his body tensing. "Where the hell is she?", he sighed out, it was ten minutes since he sent out his message to his secretary, he needed some reports from a mission but he was stuck in a meeting with his agents. It really wasn't a good day to get angry, with his rut approaching he was snappier than usual, being an alpha wasn't easy at all. "She's never late boss, I mean like....never, maybe something happened?", Skye was the first to cut through the awkard atmosphere, the other agents that sat at the table agreed. Midas' fists tightened, the gold on his arms was starting to spread, now he was getting angry, "I'll go find her myself" he begun before marching towards the exit, "you Agents have my permission to start without me", the autamitc door closed behind him, leaving no room to argue. He hurried down the corridor, the various henchmen parting like the red sea seeing their boss looking absolutely furious until Midas set his good eye on one of them, "you, come here" the henchman shuddered and quickly approached his boss, "y...yes Boss?", Midas straightened his back, making him look even more intimidating, before asking, "tell me, do you know where Agent Y/N is at the moment?", the henchman gulped, and after thinking for a few seconds he answered, "I....i think i last saw her....I-in the area of the supply closets". Midas' glare deepened even more, just what the hell was she doing so far away from the meeting room, "you're dismissed", he said darting towards the closet's hall, just some sharp turns and he'd be there.
If some curious person would've paid more attention at the slightest of sounds, the poor woman would've been already discovered, she was panting, with some occasional whimpers here and there. Now in the middle of her heat, her pheromones were suffocating in the small confinement of the closet. All of her clothes were sticking to her body, her work jacket was forgotten on the floor, same with her shoes and socks, futile attempts to cool herself. She was leaning against the furthest wall from the closet's door. Y/N scrunched her face feeling another wave of cramps approaching, her scent glad producing even more pheromone than normal, after all the times the woman suppressed her heat with pills her body was catching up on her needs. Whimpering she gripped her stomach, the wet feeling between her legs was unbearable, maybe....maybe if she'd just step out of this closet to-'NO!nonono! I'm not doing that', snapping at her own train of thoughts the woman didn't noticed the sound of the hall's door opening in the distance, but what she did notice were the sounds of steps on the hard floor. Y/N froze, her blood run cold, her chest tightening. She could hear the footsteps walk and pause every now and then, probably checking the doors.
Midas opened the door that led to the supply closets, the golden that normally only appears on his hands has now spread up to his elbow. Looking around he noticed the beeping ear piece. Picking it up to examine it he put to his ear. His message played and he realized that it was Y/N's ear piece. He could feel worry pooling deep in his guts, as much he denied it, he cared deeply for her, she was a very good agent, she never disappointed him nor angered him, until this day of course, finding her ear piece discarded so carelessly wasn't like her, but all he felt was in the 'work area' of feelings, nothing out of the ordinary....until a couple of weeks ago. He was beginning to crave something else, someone else, at first it was easy to conceal these thoughts, but as time went by it became so so difficult to contain himself, his inner Alpha was practically screaming at him to mate with her, to posses her, to make her his, to claim her. He shook his head trying to think of something else, he was supposed to be angry and worried not horny! He blamed his approaching rut. Walkig towards one of the door he tried to open it, only to remember that you have to use a key to open them, still he tried with also the other doors, maybe Y/N had the key. As he thought, all the doors he tried to open until then were locked, with every failed attempt to find her Midas could feel the worry in his stomach deepening, his nature to protect those close to him making an appearance. There was one door left and while Midas went to open it he froze, his body tightening every muscle possible, he must be mistaken, he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply with his nose, only for it to be immediately filled with the sweetest scent he ever smelt. Feeling a growl raise from deep within his throat, Midas swallowed, he was sure now, it was the scent of an Omega in heat, but that wasn't what shocked him, he was used at smelling these kind of things, it was the fact that the smell practically screamed Y/N. Exhaling he approached the door, the scent growing stronger and stronger until he could practically taste it in his mouth, he was completely entranced with it. Placing a hand on the door he sighed, his lips turning into a sly smirk, his pupils were already starting to dilate, "I know you're in there..." he purred out, scratching his fingers down the wood of the door. Hearing the small gasp from the other side of the door made him chuckle, low and deep, "oooh sweet thing, poor you, all alone in your heat?".
Y/N was dripping at this point, her pants showed the soiled spot throughout her panties, Midas was literally the last person she wanted to be near right now. She brought her knees closed to her chest, biting her lips trying to stifle her whimpers, God she wanted nothing more but to be close to him, baring her neck for him to claim. She squeezed her eyes at that, tears now streaming down her face from the impossible heat and pain of her body, she needed an Alpha, right now, "p-please...." her voice was hoarse. The growl the man let out felt like a punch to the stomach for Y/N, it was downright animalistic, and that just...did it for her.
Midas was being consumed by instincts the second he heard her pretty little cries, it was his wonderful Y/N, "Ooh Omega, won't you open the door for me?". The woman gulped, beginning to feel light headed in the small closet, "I-I...I don't" groaning she placed her hands on the door, trying to think of any way of getting out of this situation other than fucking her own boss. "Come on, I know you want it", Midas was getting impatient, you could hear it in his voice. His hand grabbed the door's handle, his sweet talking was thrown out the window, "Open up Y/N, I can smell it on you....you need an Alpha". Y/N couldn't do anything other then comply, the absolute dominance in Midas' voice completely overrode any logical thoughts, she immediately clutched the handle, her hands sweaty and shaking, fumbling with it for a couple of seconds until the lock finally clicked. "That's a good Omega" he spoke in a gentle tone, opening the door he was immediately hit with the actual strength of Y/N's scent, he let out an appreciative growl. The woman was sitting on the floor, her head tucked under her arms with her legs closed to her chest, the poor thing was whimpering, "p-please Midas....Alpha...please!" Y/N sobbed out, raising her head looking at Midas with a broken expression, her whole face was flushed a dark red, her lips puffed out. Midas smiled while he knelt down to her level, caressing her heated skin like she was the most precious person in the word, "my little Y/N, all alone it must have been horrible, with the urge to mate, to be claimed, to be bred", Y/N's eyes widened at that, the pressure on her belly becoming impossibly tigh, "please please fuck me Alpha I need it!-" Y/N clawed her hands all over Midas, trying to find a solid grip while nuzzlig her face in the juncture of Midas' neck, baring her scent gland as a sign of submission. That's it, he quickly grabbed her shoulders bringing her impossibly closer, closing his mouth on her sweaty neck sucking her heated skin, the woman let out a keen, her fingers grasping his shirt. Midas slowly licked a stripe, from her collarbone to her jaw, his hand grabbed the hem of her shirt tagging it with a sense of urgency, "Off....now". Y/N hesitantly detached herself from him, basically tearing away her shirt, her bra following after. The cool breeze on her now naked skin making goosebumps spread all over her body. Midas stared at her, his erection straining in his pants harder than ever, "you're so beautiful Y/N...", she shivered, hugging her body with her arms, he was looking at her like she was a prey, and maybe she was....no she was sure she was. "Come here love" and she did, now sitting on his lap, his crotch pressed directly on her heat, she whimpered, her hips bucking a little, his hands gripped them tight, pressing them down against him, he sighed out a moan at the pressure, "aren't you eager sweet thing, don't worry your Alpha will take care of you", he traced his golden finger around her stiff nipple, while his other hand gently reached under her pants, carefully grazing her swollen clit through her panties, Y/N cried out pushing  her chest out. Midas kept the circles on her clit in a steady pace, his hand gripping her right breast, pinching her nipple while his mouth worked wonders on her neck, leaving wet trials all over her skin, sometimes using his canines as well. Y/N closed her eyes leaning her head back with her mouth hung open, "please I can't take it anymore!". He laughed, "patience love", removing his hand from her pants he placed them both on her waist, gripping it tightly before grounding it down his crotch, her wetness staining his pants. Every time her hips would ground down Y/N could feel his dick pressing against her opening and clit. She blinked away her tears, a string of saliva falling down her lips, in a sudden fit of boldness she stopped her hips, crawling away from him to grip her pants, harshly opening the buttons before stepping out of them, settling back into his lap. Now that she was bare against him she could feel the heat radiating off of him, his chest rising and falling as his hands clenched and unclenched. Reaching for his buckle Y/N harshly unbluckeled it, throwing it at the rest of the clothes. Midas watched in stunned silence, just a few moments ago his little Omega was so bashful and submissive, and now her she was, think she had the reigns in this. Smirking he traced his fingers down her belly, past her navel, stopping right over where she needed him most. Y/N fought back a frustrated huff, he was always a tease, usually she loved his passive aggressive nature or his sassy attitude, but now? She wanted to smack the shit out of his smirk, but her heat screamed at her, sending a new fresh wave of cramps. She tensed and scrunched up her face, Midas noticed this, of course he did, he always does, and as always he helped in the best way he could, and right now if helping meant using his fingers on her than he would be more than happy to oblige. And so he did, the hand that once rested over her heat went down, briefly stroking her wet lips, her response was immediate, her hips stilled and her jaws fell open in silent ecstasy, suddenly feeling so empty, her hips tried to chase his fingers, and he stopped his ministrations, "be good Y/N....", she huffed, clearly frustrated  but she stilled her hips anyway, her hands playing with his tie or occasionally tracing his neck. His fingers went down again, barely touching her enlarged clit before pushing his thumb against it, lazily circling patterns as two of his cold, golden fingers glided towards her soacked entrance, barely pushing the tips inside before plunging them in knuckles deep. Y/N felt like screaming, finally feeling something filling her up, but this wasn't enough, her body craved to be filled by something else, "Midas please!- more!" Her throat was sore with all the begging she was doing, but her chest was filled with relief and satisfaction as Midas growled, taking his fingers out of her bringing them down to open his pants, just enough to let his erection spring forth, the shaft was red and throbbing, wet with the smeared precum that leaked during his teasing. Y/N purred at the realization, seeing him as affected as she was made her only hungrier for what was about to come. She gently placed her fingers on the base, tightening them ever so slightly before pumping them up and down, her thump playing with the tip, smearing the bead of cum down the length. Midas let out a growlish moan, chasing her hands with his hips, "Look who's needy now" even though her voice was breathless Midas could still hear the satisfaction in her voice, and so he shot her a glare, wrapping one arm around her waist before pulling her closer, their chests touching. He brought their foreheads together, his lips barely touching as he whispered, "I think that's enough little Omega~", and with that he clashed their mouths together, their hot breaths mingling and their tounges clashing together for dominance. And he won, it was obvious to be honest, and his tongue immediately plunged itself into her mouth, pushing against hers for a moment before he gently nipped her bottom lip, enough to make her moan. He grabbed her waist with both hands this time, and with a quick movement  he spun her around, her back now facing him, he placed his palm between her shoulders blades  manhandling her so that she was in a reverse cowgirl kind of position, with his other hand he grabbed his erection stroking it a couple of times before he ran the tip between her dripping folds, the woman cried out, her knees already trembling, "p-please....please put it in I can't take it anymore!". That's all it took to convince him, growling he held her hips with both hands, slowly inserting the tip before snapping his hips into her, filling her up with a single thrust, her wetness acting as a natural lubricant. Y/N gasped, her back arching in a silent scream, the pleasure was overwhelming, going from being empty to being so stuffed made her head spin. Midas groaned at the feeling of her wet and hot hole swallowing him up so good, blinking away his daze he started to piston his hips against hers, barely giving her time to register what was happening, it felt too good, her hole was struggling to accommodate the stretch, feeling a little pain that was immediately overrode by the pleasure. Y/N craned back her head, moans running freely out of her mouth, her brain couldn't even comprehend what she was saying anymore, it was just a mushed up succession of pleases and curses, with the occasional whimpers of Midas' name. Midas was struggling too, his hips moving as if they had a mind of their own, his whole body demanding more of her heat. He sat up, leaning against the door before he wrapped his hands around her torso, brining her towards him holding her close, his sweaty chest sticking to her arched back. His head fell on the juncture of her neck, mouthing the skin between his lips, occasionally giving little nips, never hard enough to draw blood, but still being sufficient for Y/N to buck her hips with a small whimper leaving her lips. Kissing her nape he mumbled against her skin, "want to mark you little Omega, want to make you mine", the woman cried out raising her hips, while he just let out a growl brining them down again, grinding her against his crotch as his thrusts slowed down, "you want that don't you?", his voice was raspy, tickling her ear as he spoke, "you want to be claimed by me, you want to feel my knot?" Y/N nodded vigorously, "yes please! P-please I want to! I-", at this point she was just spitting out whatever her mind would tell her, too caught up in the moment to think about the consequences that would actually come by being claimed by her boss. She placed her hands against the slippery wall, arching her back even more as she panted, his thrusts were slow now, bringing his length out so that only the tip would still be in, only to slowly bring it back in, making sure that her walls could feel the push and stretch of his dick filling her up, he could feel her walls constricting around him when he'd pull back. Biting his lips he kissed her nape, scratching his nails down her back. Y/N was fidgeting, as much as she enjoyed the slow but steady pace of his hips, she needed him to be faster, rougher, "Midas! Faster God-!", and with a chuckle he grabbed her hair yanking her head back as he snapped his hips against hers effectively shutting her up, "aren't you a little slut? You need my knot so bad?" She nodded, too preoccupied on slamming her hips back into his thrusts to speak. Narrowing his eyes he wrapped his hand around her throat, not squeezing, "I asked you a question Y/N", oh he wanted to hear her. Baring her teeth she barked out a response, "Yes! Yes I do I need your knot!, I need your bite!". Midas shivered, he loved to hear her beg, sneaking his hand down her stomach he found her clit, quickly rubbing it in circles, his hips picking up speed until they were pistoning into her, his knot was swelling, his breath getting rigged, he let out a breathy moan.
Y/N felt like she was goning to burst, all of her blood rushing down between her legs, the continued pulse of his dick, the heat, his bites, it was all too much. "Alpha! Midas I'm.....I'm gonna cum-!", her knees buckled  she was lucky Midas was holding her, the ground wouldn't have been a pleasant feeling. "Is that so?" His voice was hoarse, his pace struggling to keep up, hi muscles were sore, but at least he was as close as well, "you said you needed my knot?" A nod was the woman's only response, "then take it", before she could process what he meant by that she was quickly being hugged by him, his teeth biting where her scent gland is, effectively claiming her, his hips buckled harshly a couple of times until they stilled, his knot swelling up completely, locking them together. Y/N's eyes widened at the cool feeling of his cum coating her walls, her eyes closed tightly and she spasmed, moaning lowly, cumming herself.
Blinking she opened her eyes slowly adjusting at the....darkness? Wait, looking down she noticed the arms wrapped around her naked body, hold on. "Oh, you're finally awake?", her eyes widened, everything that happened coming back to her, groaning he leaned against Midas, as the man laughed, before kissing the bite mark on her shoulder, "this is gonna be so awkward..."


Hey uh.....this took....longer than i hope it would, sorry for making you wait!!

longer than i hope it would, sorry for making you wait!!

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