Drunk With The Need To Posses ~smut~ #1

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~~Jealous Sex, Rough? Sex, only at the start cause he a angry boi, but it turns soft, He fingers you, OH also at the start a little bit of Harassment but nothing much~~

'Stupid, stupid, stupid...!', Y/N thought slamming her room's door behind her, the slam echoing in the empty halls. Sniffing, she roughly wiped her tears off with her gloves, staining them. 'How could I even think that he would like me!'. The woman slowly let herself slide down the door, the fancy white dress she wore now dirty with her mascara dipped tears. She really was a fool, wasnt she?, she's one of the newest addition to the Agency, picked for her skills as a fast sharp shooter and sniper aim, she honestly didn't know how it happened, one day she just....realized how wonderful her Boss was, Midas, the mastermind with a golden touch, since she realised what her feelings were, she was always trying to make herself be seen by him, always trying to one up herself with others and win, but nothing, everything was useless, she even tried to put on some makeup and act a little more girly like, but still nothing, he never acknowledged her. Tonight was the last straw, she tied herself up nicely, with the help of Maya and Skye, she wore a nice white dress with a leg cut, and some golden Roses' patterns on the end of the skirt, and what did Midas do? Said to her face in the coldest of tones, that she was being inappropriate. Her sobs could be heard from the hall, but hopefully no one would be there, not like she cared anyway. "God...dammit", sitting up she threw herself on the bed closing her eyes, hoping to fall asleep so she could blame all of this on the alcohol. 'It was useless, all of this, I just hope to-' KNOC KNOCK KNOCK.
Groaning she shot up, quickly walking to the door opening it up roughly, "what is it?". Dan stood there with his fist up in the air stunned for a few seconds, then he coughed and straighten his suit up, "hey..Y/N, you ok?" Oh hes sweet, no wait hes propaly pitying her cause he heard her, glaring with new found anger she responded, "I dont really need your pity Dan", blinking he looked confused, "what? No, I just wanted to ask you if would like to dance, since....you know, it's a party ehe....", blushing he looked away. Cute. "O-oh....hm, I'm not really in the mood to dance in a big...crowd". Smiling he looked back at her, "then, how about we just talk, as friends since we haven't really had the time for that.... on missions". Y/N pondered for a moment, she was still sad and angry at herself, but maybe this could help her cope with her broken heart "sure what the hell" grabbing his hand they walked back into the ballroom. Laughter and classical musical filled the air, followed by the smell of the various foods placed all over in a symmetrical way. Smiling she inhaled deeply, hearing her stomach grumbling she softly laughed, "can we eat something first? I am....really hungry", still giggling she looked at him beaming with new found happiness, maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all. "Of course! I'm hungry too to being honest", and with that they begun to descend the stairs, laughing as her her arm went under his.
Walking to the nearest table, they grabbed some pastries before Dan decided to tell her some of his crazy 'adventures', as he likes to call them. "And then he said, "what, you egg? And he stabbed him!" Dan said wheezing, at that Y/N barked out a laugh almost choking on her drink, "my God Dan, I really should do more missions with you! HAHAH" patting his back, they kept on laughing, unaware of the golden man watching them with a glare and a knuckle-white grip on his glass.
~Midas p.o.v~
Why did he felt such....anger watching those....two getting along so well, watching her laughing and smiling and joking with that...man. Exhaling sharply he straightened his white suit, he was just being ridiculous, or maybe he was used to her being like that with only him, always smiling just at him, always trying to makes jokes just at him, always laughing just with him. Tightening his fist, he turned again to observe those two only for his glass to break. That, poor excuse of a man was whispering something in her ear, but that wasnt what broke him, no no, it was the blush and shock that was spreading across her soft face. He watched frozen with seething anger as the other man turned his Y/N around, that's right....his Y/N. Snapping back he stuttered towards them, his golden eye fixated on the man's hands holding Y/N's hips. 'Oh that's it's', he thought, turning the glass shards into gold involuntary.
~Y/N p.o.v~
'Oh God did he really say that, wait....hes holding my hips-"D-Dan wait, what....are you doing...?", his only response was a smirk, "I asked you out for a date baby", her stomach turned, as she began to sweat, panic bubbling in her stomach, he was just a friend for her, "s-sorry Dan but I....dont want that",she breathlessly replied,"Oh come on, just one, and if it doesn't work out I wont bother you again", his hand was travelling up his arm, 'nonono-'. "Excuse me you poor excuse of a person, she said no", a golden hand grabbed Dan's hand, yanking him away from Y/N. Dan turned sharply, glaring at the person, ready to yell at them for interrupting him, only to choke on his own saliva, once he realized who the person was. "B-boss! I-" grabbing him by the collar he pulled Dan face to face, practically barking out his words, "Shut it, agent Dan, go before I change my mind and I turn you into one of my statues", letting him go, he glared at him all the way as Dan hurriedly walked away, leaving Y/N and Midas alone.
Then silence fell, the agent and the boss only stared at each other, anger still visible in the boss's golden eye, while the woman's only had fear and confusion. Gulping Y/N opened and closed her mouth, not sure on what happened. "M-Midas wha-" her sentence was cut short as Midas gripped her arm, beginning to walk away and up the stairs, away from everyone. Yelping Y/N stuttered a little on her feet, the heels catching in her dress, "Midas!, w-what!-" gripping her arm tighter Midas whispered sternly, "you're coming with me, that's an order Y/N". Y/N nodded, in a strange and perverted way, hearing him talk like that really....did it to her, but she was more preoccupied on why he was so....angry? Was it because of the dress? He did say that it was inappropriate. "Midas i-....if it was for the dress I'm....I'm sorry ok?, I'll stop, b-bothering you and I'll stay out of your way ok-", chocking out a gasp she found herself being throw into a wall, her arms held by his golden ones, his grip tight enough to let her know that he wouldn't let her go until he was finished. Midas stared her down with merciless eyes as his breath hitched now and then, oh was angry angry, fucking calm down horny brain.
Inhaling sharply, Midas begun, "do you have....any, idea of how angry I was", his grip tighten, his hands slowly drifting from her arms, to her neck, just to end up settling on her hips, his form hovering over hers, "watching that...filthy man touching you all over?, whispering in your ears? Watching you whenever you were distracted with lustful gazes?" His voice slowly rose making her recoil back, the dress that was touched by his hands started to flicker gold. "Midas please! what is going on!-GH" her eyes widened, breath stuck in her throat, firm lips were pressed against hers, she barely had time to snap back before his lips started to move.
You couldn't possibly call it a kiss, it was all teeth and biting from him, with the occasional soft licks to sooth her, while she was just moans and grunts. Her eyes closed, still in shocked by how fast things were going, she began to respond, trying to keep up with his faster peace, then he not so gently nibbled her lower lips, making her yelp in slight pain, taking the opportunity to plunge his tongue in her mouth, caressing hers and lavishing every surface of her wet cavern.
Y/N let out a low and drawn out moan at that, the feeling of his tongue making her toes curl, while Midas merely growled as he saprated their mouths, a line of saliva still connected between them. Y/N opened her dazed eyes, her pupils dilated. Gulping she struggled to speak, still not completely sure on what the hell just happened, "I-I...Midas what...", he just placed their foreheads together, staring deep into her eyes he breathed out, Y/N had to strain her ears to understand him, "Let me have you".
Did she hear him right?
Does he mean what she thinks he means?.
Midas was amused, to say at least, watching with a smirk as Y/N's whole face begun to turn red, her lips parting as realization hit her. Y/N just stared, honestly what else could she do? This kind of scenario only happened when she'd let her imaginations run free, but she was also so, so confused, thirty minutes ago he was telling her she was being indecent and now he's asking to have sex after dragging her away from-. The woman gasped, if reality wasn't a thing you could've seen a lightbulb appearing on her head. Midas was jealous, he came to 'rescue' her from Dan because he couldn't stand another man being near her.
Midas observed Y/N, an eyebrow raising as her once shocked expression turned mischievous, "Oh Midas I don't know~", her voice was low, the words too drawn out for Midas' liking, she was up to something. Her fingers placed themselves on his suit, mindlessly playing with the buttons, "Dan also asked me to have fun with him".
Oh, oh no she did not.
Midas growled, the sound rumbling from deep within his chest, his jealousy pooling back in his guts. Y/N played 'innocently' with her hair as she gestured with her other hand, "I mean, he seemed pretty infatuated with me, he even asked me out on a date, maybe I'll give him a ch-" a hand place itself on her mouth, shutting her up as her eyes widened. Midas placed his whole body against her, his knee pushing between her legs, lightly resting on her clothed center. Y/N could see his anger and lust in his eye, the molten gold colour was now a black pool, "I....will make you forget that filthy man", his voice was low, husky even, you could just call it a growl. She tried to close her legs, feeling her walls clenching with arousal, but his knee only pushed harder into her, she had to fight back a moan. "You'll forget his name once I'm finished with you darling", he purred out, his fingers playing with the dress's zipper, pulling it down slowly. Y/N shivered, the chilly hair hitting her now bare back. The hand that once kept her mouth shut was now making his way down her form, his fingers delicately dancing from her collar bones, down her ribcage, until it arrived on her bare legs, fingers slightly irking up the dress that already exposed her leg up her hips.
Midas leaned closer, letting his breath tease Y/N's sensitive neck before he dived in. Tongue and teeth licked and bit her neck, dragging his canines down her throat, drinking in every little noise, moan or groan she'd let out.
Y/N already felt dizzy, the sensation of his mouth's ministration mixed with his leg snuggly pressing against her left her in a daze. A bite on her shoulder made her keen in pain and pleasure, followed by his tongue soothing the reddening mark. Midas smirked, the desire to take her right here surging through his body, the need to feel her cry in pleasure of what he'd do to her, the feeling of her walls clenching down on him as he'd thrust into her pressing her down with his body, it was making him go feral, his jealousy only fuelling these thoughts he tried for so long to keep a secret. He pulled back from her neck to observe his work, she was now adorned with bite marks and hickeys, just like he wanted, then his eyes moved up to her face, and he felt his lips stretching up, her eyes were closed, teeth between her lips as her neck was slightly bent right, a blush colouring her cheeks, she looked like a painting, the most beautiful painting Midas had ever seen, and like a good artist, it was time for him to study her.
He gripped her hips, and grinded his knee into her clothed center, taking pleasure at the way Y/N gasped as her hands balled his suit into fists, but he could care less about that. He kept the grind of his knee steady, pushing not too strong or fast, and soon enough Y/N's started to chase him everytime he'd pull back. He let her do her own things for a while, until he noticed the sweat rolling down her neck, her thighs clenching and her wetness starting to stain his pants, and then in a flash he removed his entire body from her.
Y/N yelped as she fell forward, catching herself before she could actually hit the floor, she whipped her head up, glaring at Midas who only held an accomplished face in return, "What the fuck Midas!", she huffed with a breathless voice, annoyed by the fact that she no longer felt the pleasure of his knee, she was so close.
Midas merely lifted an eyebrow up, unimpressed, "What? You thought you'd get to come? After being a naughty girl?" He tsked as he stepped closer again, taking notice on how Y/N's body shivered after being called a naughty girl, new fantasies flashing in his mind at the new information, and he had to fight back the urge to call her that once more with all his might, perhaps he'll get the chance next time.
He gripped her arms once more, and softly spun her around, her front now facing the wall. He kept one hand pressed between her shoulder blades, a reminder for her that he was the one in control tonight, while the other irked the dress over her ass. He felt his eyes narrow at what he found, she was wearing gold and white lacy panties, with matching stockings. She was going to be the death of him.
"You were planning this weren't you?" His hot breath tickled her ear, his hand grabbing one of her asscheeks, before he lightly spanked her, "Naughty, naughty, girl..."
He practically purred at the moan she let out, her head lowering itself against the wall. "Please Midas, please I need you" her mouth started to spit out begs, her hands bracing her against the wall as her hips raised against his crotch in a desperate attempt to feel something, "I'm sorry I've been bad but please I need your-", he stopped herself from finishing the sentence, the little pride she had left fighting to keep some sort of dignity, but apparently Midas was having none of that.
His hand came crashing down again, the slap a little rougher, and Y/N's whole body jolted, before her hips rose up again, "Tsk tsk Y/N, I must admit I love your begging, really I do, but I can't give you what you want if you don't tell me" he teased her, as his fingers played with her lacy panties.
His fingers gingerly stroked her still clothed pussy, smirking as he felt the wetness soaking through her panties, basking at the breathless moan she let out, hips trembling.
Y/N struggled to gather her thoughts, sparks of electricity shot all over her body everytime his fingers would touch her clit. Another slap brought her out of her trance, and gulping she spoke, "P-please I.....I need you inside of me please! Ah!", her breath got stuck in her throat as two of his fingers plunged in without warning. He wasn't nice, he wasn't merciful with her, this wasn't a reward, this was a punishment.
His fingers were rough, two inside of her, twisting and prodding her walls, while the pad of his thumb was pushing against her clit, and her moans ran free. It was the perfect balance between pain and pleasure, she felt dizzy. His blunt golden fingers were cold on her warm skin, his body pressing her against the wall, trapping her with his weight while the other hand rested around her throat, not squeezing. His teeth nibbled her lobe and her knees buckled, hips hastily chasing his fingers, and just as she was to finally trip on her orgasm he brought them out, chuckling at Y/N's frustrated sobs.
"God fucking dammit Midas!-"
Turning around to glare at him she gasped. He was already staring at her, his tongue tasting the cum left on them. Fuck him and his teasing.
"If you're going to come" his hands raised her, making her wrap her legs around his waist, "you're going to come only when I'll let you", and whatever resistance Y/N had left completely vanished, if she wasn't so horny she might've said 'yes daddy'.

~so uh....I'm not dead- and yes, there will be a second part to this and YES I know I'm a tease, love ya'll~

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