Call Me Your Master ~smut prompt~

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SO uh.....I was listening to Call me your master and my brain went in absolute dom mode, so here a short prompt of Midas getting his shit absolutely wrecked by the big guns, AKA THE S T R A P. ~Dom!Reader, Sub!Midas, Pegging, Bondage and Hard Fucking~

His wrists were beginning to become sore, the ropes circling his body tight on his flushed skin. His body was covered with a sheet of sweat, some drops catching on his furrowed brows, others sliding down along his arched back's spine. It was the most wonderful sight someone could see. His moans and sobs wrecked through him, forcing their way out of his body everytime her hips would clash with his, the stretch of his hole a wonderful reminder of the strap forcing it's way inside of him.
"P-please! Please master I'll be good!" His voice was hoarse, an incomprehensible mumble of slurred pleases. It was maybe the third or fourth time the woman denied his peak, and he was desperate, but the woman only chuckled at him, wiping away his tears as she picked up her punishing pace once again, purring at Midas's broken sobs. One of her hands slid against his back, gripping his neck loosely, pushing his face further down the soft pillows, while the other had a knuckles white grip on his hip, it would surely leave an imprint, a reminder for the next days of how Y/N used him as her personal toy, and Midas felt himself get even more aroused, fuck. "Master God please aH! Please I'll be good, please I-I need to-" Her grip around his neck tighten a little, just enough to cut him off, before the hand on his hip circled his torso, suddenly pulling his back flush against hers. He could feel her still clothed body now, his wrist pressing against her stomach. Her face inched closer, her hot breath teasing his ear, "You need to what pet?, if you don't tell me how can I give it to you?", her tone was almost on a mocking level, too sweet to be serious, but Midas gulped anyway, and licking his lips he tried to speak, only to keen and moan as her hips started to move again. "Hm? Were you trying to say something?" Fucking asshole.
Midas growled, ashamed at the way Y/N was teasing him, but he swallowed his pride, knowing that Y/N wouldn't let him come until he'd tell her, "I....please, I want to come, I need to come aH! Ugh, please master please please....", he sounded pathetic to his own ears, but apparently it was enough for Y/N, as both of her hands wrapped around his torso, an appreciative hum leaving her mouth as she kissed and nipped his nape, scratching her teeth under the juncture of his neck, "I see pet, then..." her hips pounded into him without a speck of mercy, and Midas screamed, his back arching even more as he leaned his head on her shoulder, mouth hanging open as a line of saliva fell out of it, "Come Midas, let me see you come!" And he could nothing but comply, his thighs clenching and his eyes rolling back as his erection sputtered thick lines of cum. Y/N never stopped her hips, helping him ride out his orgasm for as long as she could, before she felt him fidgeting with overstimulation, and pressing her hips flush against his she stopped, gently petting his body while cooing praises, leaving kisses here and there as Midas struggled to catch his breath. They really should do this more often.

~~Sorry for any mistakes I literally wrote this in 40 minutes and its 00:41 am~~

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