C H A P T E R 2

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The plane had just landed. Lights blinding my eyes as I opened them. Sitting next to me was Avianna and Jax. His hand covering her mouth blocking out the snoring.

I woke them up and began to gather our luggage. After checking out of the airport, we caught a taxi. We had all decided that we would stay at a hotel but avianna insisted we stay at her grandmother's house.

Her grandmother, María had died a few years ago from a heart attack. It took a toll on avianna and she had been depressed for a few months. Her grandmother had gifted the house to her in her will.

The house was not far from the city but only a few miles.

It was already midnight and we were beyond exhausted.

Can't I just lay in bed and do nothing?

Upon entering the small bungalow, it reeked of a foul smell. Sheets still covering the furniture, dust flying around the air.

The house had four bedrooms, which Jax had decided upon himself to take two of them for his 'personal belongings' but avianna refused to let him take up space.


The raindrops blew across my face like little blobs of sweat. Outside the sky groaned, thunder splitting its stomach like the sound of war. Lightning battered across the blue-now black sky.

We had all planned to clean the house but Jax wanted to lay around and watch television, to which avianna objected because she taught he was 'too lazy'.

After we cleaned up all around the house, avianna, and Jax went to buy groceries. I intended to fix the garden; I always loved nature. It gave me a sense of a friendly, peaceful, and quiet environment where you could let all your emotions flow.

After tending to the garden, I took a little nap. I then remembered that I had a mission for tonight.

This was going to be a piece of cake.

Or not.


A strong body lays itself on me, casually just suffocating me to death.


"Get off me, will you?"

"Not until you agree to feed me." He smiles, showing no signs of giving up.

"Get avianna to cook or order you something." I scoff.

"Can't. She went back to town to do something, probably gone to get her car."

"Okay, what do want to eat?" I give in, which makes him get up from me.

"I want pizza."

I get up, stretching for a bit, and directed my way to the kitchen.

I began preparing the pizza while Jax watched the television groaning about how hangry he was.

"Hurry up and feed my child, woman." He jokes, patting his stomach providing support to his non-existent baby, who he had 'professionally' named 'Jessica'.

After setting the pizza in the oven, I head upstairs to finish unpacking.


I sit on the bed and finish unpacking my other luggage. A picture falls out from a book that had been hidden away in the crevices of the clothes. It was a picture of my mother.

This was was the only picture I had of my mother. It was of her when she was pregnant with me, standing next to a man, who I assumed was my father or my uncle. The bottom half of the picture was ripped off. He had brown hair with a mixture of green-blue eyes. I on the other was the exact copy of my mother. I had black wavy hair, green eyes, and soft olive-colored skin.

I was often bullied at school for my eyes, mostly by a girl named 'Kelsey' along with her minions. Throughout high school, it seemed as though she had nothing better than to torment me.

I was determined to change schools on several occasions but avianna reassured me to stay and finish my studies.

After all, I only had one year left.

I finish packing away everything and start heading back to the kitchen.


Avianna had just entered when the pizza finished. The smell of freshly baked pizza swarms through the air. A hungry Jax comes into the kitchen, already starting to cut the pizza. I slapped his hand away and glared at him.

Twenty minutes past and we decide to have a movie night. Assembling all snacks and the pizza on the table.

A few hours pass of us watching movies When avianna jumps up excitedly. We both look at her worriedly.

"I have something to show you guys." She smiles excitedly, clapping her hands.

"What is it?" We both murmured, too busy to look away from the tv.

"Just follow me." She says, heading up the stairs. We both groaned but agreed and follow her. We followed her until we stood in the attic.

In the attic, there was a bunch of boxes surrounding a small television. She orders us to sit on the ground while she searched through the boxes.

She comes back with a tape in her hand and quickly puts it into the VCR that was connected to the tv, sitting next to me.

The film showed a young avianna laughing at a joke her grandmother whispered in her ear. Her grandfather, Carlos, came from behind the camera and started dancing with his wife, while avianna ran around them in circles.

Avianna had lived here her whole childhood with her grandmother. Avianna's sister, Amelia, and her mother, Gianna, abandoned her. I had never met nor seen any pictures of avianna's sister or mother.

But what I do know is that they lost someone great.

She was only right, living with persons she loved until she was kidnapped and kept hostage for several years.

She was turning twenty-one soon in a few weeks and I took it upon myself to make sure she had the best birthday.

She deserved it.


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