"I was tortured, every day, and no one helped me." She whispered meekly.
"We would've done something‐." She cut him off, slowly looking up, avoiding their gaze.
"No, they would have killed anyone who tried to help me escape." She mumbled, tears stre...
"Soooo....... you guys seem kinda tense," I smile meekly, looking between each of them, Luca now looking the most upset out of them all. Domenico quickly got up from his seat and slowly started walking towards me. I started backing away, my back hitting the wall of his office.
"Raven Castillo, what were you thinking!" He shouted. I looked over at Dimitri but all he did was shake his head in a 'no' manner.
"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to hide my smile.
A chuckle left my lips.
Bad idea.
"You know what I'm talking about. You could have seriously gotten hurt. I don't know what I would have done if you had hurt yourself." He growled, sliding a hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry, I should've told you before I went and did that."
"What were you even doing there?" He asked, pacing around.
"I can't say, it's a secret. What were you doing there?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow at Dimitri?
"I can't say, it's a secret." He pouted, mocking me.
"Raven, I'm going to ask you this one more time. What were you doing there? And don't you dare lie, I know when you're not telling the truth." Dom said, rubbing a hand over his forehead.
Poor man seems stressed.
"Fine, someone hired me to take him out," I give in. He looks at me confused at what I just said.
"What do you mean someone 'hired' you. I hope you're not in some shady business." He told me, showcasing worry in his face.
"It's just that I might be an assassin," I mumbled. The room goes so silent that you can hear Luca's harsh breathing.
"What the fuck!"
"I didn't expect that,"
"I'm sorry, what the hell did you just say?" Domenico said, they all looking at me wide-eyed.
"I'm an assassin," I looked down at my feet on the ground.
"You know, an assassin, someone who kills -," Dom cuts me off. "I know what an assassin is, I just don't get how you're one,"
"Now that you know what I was there for, what was he doing there?" I asked, pointing over at Dimitri.
"He went there for business,".
"What kind of business was he there for. That man's done some pretty fucked up shit if you didn't know," I shrugged my shoulders.
"What kind of stuff has he done that we don't know about," he raised an eyebrow at me. I leaned against the wall, my head resting against the hard surface of the face, and looked directly at Dom.
"Maybe, just maybe he has been going behind your back and was selling the young girls into prostitution," I shrugged, looking down at my nails.
They all sat there shocked at what I just said. I saw Dimitri looking in Dom's direction. Dom shook his head and mouthed "I'll deal with it later," his eyes settled back on mines.
"Anyways, go get ready for tonight, one of our relatives is coming over for dinner," Dom announced, looking down at the pile of paper on his desk.
I rolled my eyes and quickly withdrew from his office. On my way to my room, I saw Tobias in his room, on his bed, whispering into his phone.
This would make great blackmail.
It seemed as though they were all afraid of Domenico. Even afraid to talk to someone on the phone in front of him. I quickly left him and walked to my room. Now all I had to do was homework.
The only pain that could send a teenager into depression.
By the time I was finished with my 'death note', dinner time had rolled around and I was beyond exhausted and hungry. I went down for dinner and met almost everyone present. I sat down in my seat next to Lorenzo, who was too busy playing games on his phone.
"Where's Dom?"
"He's talking with our uncle in his office," he said, his eyes never wavering away from his phone.
A good twenty minutes until we heard the door to the room open. In walked Domenico and, wait-.
What the fuck?!
No. It couldn't be. Uncle?
There was no way I was related to this man.
I couldn't believe my eyes. Alessandro stood there, all decked out in a fancy suit with a large smile on his face. Old man. He was already getting a few silver hairs on his head. His eyes stood in my direction for a while, a weird gleam flashed in his eyes.
I have to get out of here.
I looked down at my food that had just recently been set there. Dom took the seat at the head of the table while Alessandro sat right in front of me. I didn't dare look into his eyes.
The dinner was casual as ever except it was going extra slow this time. Dom occasionally asked me questions about how school had been. I answered, looking up at him, and quickly rested my eyes back on my food.
Could this dinner go any slower?
Finally, dinner ended. As soon as I was about to walk out the door, Dom called out, "Raven, Alessandro wanted to speak with you. Meet us in the office." My eyes widened but I continued to walk the way to his office.
When I was about to knock, the door flew open revealing Dom, a huge grin taking over his face. He pulled me inside and I saw Alessandro sitting in the chair in front of his desk. He slowly turned his head and smiled at me sweetly.
Okay, I'm scared now.
Dom was about to say something when his phone rang, he looked down at his phone with a groan. He excused himself for a second, leaving me in the room with Alessandro. Alone.
In a flash, he pushed me against the wall, his hand gripping my neck harshly. I clawed at his hand, trying to pry his disgusting hands off of me.
If he kept up with this, I was sure to wake up tomorrow with a sore throat.
"It's been a long time, don't you think?" He chuckled.
"Get your hands off me!" I try kneeling him in the crotch but he catches my foot quickly.
"Oh, she talks back now," he said, his face set stoic as a stone.
He chuckled darkly, " This will be fun. I'll be making sure your attitude is in check whenever I come around."
He's coming back here?!?
Just as he let go of the death grip on my neck, Domenico walks in.
"Oh, I see you guys are getting along," he smiles.
"Yeah, we were just talking about how your parents were such sweetheart, right raven?" He smirks faintly, looking at me.
There was no way I was going to let this man come back into my life and boss me around.
If he wants to play, I'll play.
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