C H A P T E R 12

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"I'm gonna miss you guys," I said through our hug. I was gonna miss them so bad even though we would call each other often.

It was finally the end of summer vacation and Avianna and Jax were now going back home. The school would be starting soon and I'd have to go through another year without socializing.


"We're gonna miss you too," Jax said, wiping away a nonexistent tear from his face.

I hug them for the last time and say my goodbyes. Their taxi drives on until I can't see it anymore. I walk into the house and pass my Brothers on my way to my bedroom. I lay in bed thinking about how I would deal with school tomorrow.

That also reminded me that I had a mission and that I had to make up an excuse for staying at school. Knowing Dom, he would never believe it, so that meant I had to up my game and make it pretty believable.

A knock on my bedroom door resonated throughout my room, bringing me out of my trance. I look at the clock next to my bed and saw that it was now 7 am, meaning it was now time for breakfast.


Wish me luck.


The first day of school.

Everyone's nightmare.

Last night when we had dinner when I brought up the subject of signing up for after-school activities. Of course, he was already skeptical of that but agreed after I was persistent with it. Now the hard part was getting out of my brother's eyesight.

Since I was now a senior, I had a few classes with Lorenzo and Luciano, including after-school activities. I would have the rest of my classes with me, myself, and I.

Great. Just great.

I pass a couple of students in the parking lot, some of them talking and making out with each other. I walk my way to the principles office to get my schedule for my classes.

The first class that I would be having would be history. I enter the class just as the bell ring. The teacher, whose name was Mr. Smith, was at his desk and called me over to introduce myself. As I finished introducing myself and started taking a seat, Luca strolled into the class and took the seat next to me.

"Mr. Castillo, what a surprise you showed up to class for once," he said, writing a few words on the chalkboard without turning around. A few of the girls started giggling with each other.

I was finally in the last class for the day. The bell rang after an hour signaling that school was now over. I packed my bag and started walking out of the classroom. Just before I walked out the school door, I was dragged backward by the hook of my backpack. I turned and saw Luca looking confused.

"Where are you going? You have to sign up for the clubs back there," he pointed behind him.

"Oh, I didn't know," I played along. I followed him to the back of the school where there was a field. There were a couple of students at a few booths signing up. In the middle of the field, I saw Lorenzo and Luciano warming up. Luca then told me that they both played football.

"Okay, I have to start training at the nearby gym, so you will go home with your brothers when you finished with your practice," I nod my head in understanding. He doesn't move until I start walking toward one of the booths.

I walk off the field, making sure that none of my brothers saw me, and started walking out the school doors.


I drive through the empty streets of the rich neighborhood on my motorcycle. For some reason, I was kinda surprised that none of my brothers hadn't found my bike in the garage yet. As I am driving past that house, I see a butler walking into the house and a gardener, who had headphones in, trimming an overgrown hedge bush. I also saw three dogs sleeping right next to the front door where the butler had just walked past.

I drive past that house, making sure to park away from their sights. I knew I had to be fast because the time that Luca had told me the boys would finish with practice was almost up. I sneaked behind the house, hiding behind one of the hedge bushes, looking to see if there were any cameras.

I knew someone was watching the cameras because there was a red blinker on another corner of the camera. The cameras were placed on either side of the house next to some windows. Right now, the cameras were toward each other. I had timed them, meaning they would rotate away from each other for forty seconds, giving me enough time to go up to the door and unlock it.

The cameras started rotating away from each other and I ran towards the door. I took out the hairpin that I had in my head and started picking the lock. I was twenty seconds in when I heard the revving of a car until it finally stopped in front of the house. Eventually, I got the door unlocked just as the camera started to rotate again.

I walked and was met with a huge living room. The whole floor was marble and there was a crystal chandelier up in the ceiling. White furniture was everywhere. I was so caught up in looking all over the room that I hadn't realized a few persons were talking, coming close to the room.

At the last minute, I spot a door and rushed through it. I heard the persons enter the room. I press my ear against the door trying to eavesdrop on their conversation. The voices were kinda muffled but I heard what they were talking about.

"How'd it go, sir?" I hear the other person ask.

"It went well. We rescued at least fifteen young girls and they're now being treated at one of my warehouses." I hear him answer.

Fucking liar.

All I heard was them talking some more about their works. I tried so hard not to laugh at the disgusting pig that I was gonna assassinate. It was gonna be so funny to put him through what he put those young through and then I would have to kill him.

Vincenzo Moretti. That was his name. One name that I didn't even want to leave my mouth. He was nauseating to look at or even speak about. He was selling young girls into prostitution and was abusive to his wife.

His newest case was what caught someone's attention. The unknown person called me and told me about what he had done. I wasn't interested at first but the person was persistent and then I agreed after they said they would pay me almost a hundred thousand dollars.

I couldn't give up the offer. Imagine all the food you could buy with that.

A few seconds went by when I heard the other person asking to go to the bathroom. It hadn't occurred to me that I was standing in one of their bathrooms until it was too late.

Then I saw it. Dimitri opened the door and looked at me in shock.

What was he doing here?!

So much for making fun of Vincenzo.



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