C H A P T E R 3

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Blood coating the knife that I held. I took my gun out, pointing it towards his temple. I click my silencer on. A vibration ricochets from the gun. His body drops to the ground, blood pooling around his head.

My heart now starts to feel an ounce of satisfaction.




All words someone would interpret him as. On the outside, he was just a rich businessman with a loving wife and daughter. On the inside, he was destructive, always harming and scarring both of them.

Mattias Fern. Born and raised in a wealthy neighborhood. Always believed he was better than everyone else. He assumed that he was entitled to his father's wealth and business but that was all shattered when his father thought his brother would be a better fit.

Anonymously, after his father signed the papers over to his brother, he died. Many said that he died out of jealousy from a family member, but that was all cleared up when they announced it was from 'natural causes.

Mattias killed his father.

Fernando, his brother, being the nice person he is, decided to give the company to Mattias. After getting the company, marrying his wife, and having a child, he still wasn't pleased.

He even went as far as to sexually assaulting his daughter. The girl was merely fourteen years old. His wife, having enough of his ways, concluded that he should be killed. Her calling me was like a wake-up call. I despised people like this.

I often called them the spawns of satan.

Finally getting sick of watching his face, I took out a lighter, Pouring alcohol all over his body, and lighting his body to flames. I stare at him a second longer, a faint smirk adorning my face.

Eventually, I leave, obviously not wanting to be caught by his bodyguards. Sneaking around the back of his 'house', I spot my motorcycle. Situating myself on the bike, I relish in the screams of the guests, some of them even running outside.

My heart feels content as I start heading home. Unlocking the door, I'm met with a loud commotion. These assholes. I place the keys on the hook and walk in on them arguing over who is better. Stefan or Damon.

I head to my bedroom and took a shower. All freshened up, I head to the kitchen to prepare some popcorn.

Might as well watch them argue, just for the joy of it.

Proceeding to where they are, I sit on the couch across from them. They continue to disagree with each other unaware that I'm back from my mission.

"I hope you guys know that Damon is better," I mutter, eating a handful of popcorn. The room goes painfully quiet. Avianna starts going on a rant, saying how she was right and he was wrong.

"Whatever," Jax mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Hey Ray, how was your mission?" He asked.

"It was a fucking nightmare. When I went to follow him, I caught him cheating on his wife. And he even tried to shoot me." I remarked.

"He had it coming to him. Who the fuck tries to touch their daughter! That's fucking disturbing." He exclaimed, tugging the bowl of popcorn to himself.

After watching the tv, we all went to bed, my head now
pounding from doing all my 'good deeds.


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