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~1 year later~

It was officially a year since I moved to Italy and it was also a year since Alessandro's death. All was well. Everything was perfect. Life couldn't be any better.

I look at the vice-principal as he stood to give his speech. It was heartfelt and emotional to know that another chapter of my life had just ended. How would I cope with this now?

Today was my birthday and it was also my graduation. I knew my parents would've been so proud of me. Even if it meant that I grew up without one of them. I knew they were looking down at me with pride and joy on their faces.

Oh, how I wish they were here right now.

My brothers were all acting strange this morning. When I went for breakfast this morning, I met Theo and Tobias sitting at the table whispering something. As soon as they saw me, they stopped talking and continued to eat.

The same thing happened when I went to Dom's office. I went to talk to him about something but met him also talking to Dimitri and Damon. Since they were talking to each other, and I wanted to get the nervousness out of my system, I went to talk to Luca.

It was not a good idea since he was ignoring me for the entire time.

They have also explained to me that they owned a mafia a few weeks after the Alessandro incident to which I pretended to be surprised but after was caught by Luca's obnoxious ways.

Right after that, they had also told me that they 'took care' of matteo and that he wouldn't be bothering me anymore. That eased my heart to hits knowing that no one would ever harm me again.

I just wish that my mother was here for it.

My mind focused back on the speech. The principal then started calling out names to come for their diploma. I look back into the audience to see all my brothers except for Domenico. He had been missing for the entire ceremony which worried me a bit.

"Raven Castillo," the principal announces.

I get up from my seat to receive my diploma only to hear the loud hooting of some of my brothers, which makes the crowd laugh. I also spot Enzo rolling his eyes but laughing at them.

I shake hands with the principal, holding onto my diploma and smiling at the photographer. After taking my seat, they call the twins up for their diplomas.

Lorenzo cockily flashes a smile at the girls while Luciano flexed his non-existent muscles at them.

Lord, what would we do without them?

I hear Luca shout at them to get off the stage which makes them laugh.

That reminded me that he still hadn't forgiven me for cleaning his room. When the 'incident' happened with Alessandro, I swear I could've heard him crying in his 'new' room.

The crowd starts clapping and cheering, signaling the end of the graduation.


A loud shriek echoed throughout the backyard, almost making my ears bleed. I was then tackled to the ground in a large group hug. I then realized who was doing this.

Avianna and Jax.

My brothers had planned to have a party right after graduation. But I still never saw Domenico.

They help me up from the ground and start complimenting me that I've gotten 'old'.

"So, how does it feel to be eighteen?" I laughed at Avianna as she made a cute devilish face.

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