Chapter Three

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ok,, what's next!?
lunchtime and more...

Daichi POV
After some lessons the bell finally rang and Jay and I made our way to the cafeteria, with Daniel and Zoe just infront.

We queued up to collect our food but something felt strange...

Glancing around I saw hundreds of eyes focused on us.

"Umm... why are people staring?" Daniel and I asked uncomfortably.

"..." Jay and Zoe exchanged looks.

A shadow fell over my lunch tray and I looked up to see three goons leering over at us.

"Hey newbies, we need to talk after lunch".

"What? Please don't tell me they're trying to fight us!"


Third POV
Daichi and Daniel followed the three outside, to an area that looked kinda suspicious.

Daniel looked especially nervous, twisting his hands and not quite looking at the goons while Daichi seemed confused.

"You're Daniel and Daichi then?" the leader asked, narrowing his eyes at them.

"Yes" came the reply from the shorter boy.

A brief pause hung in the air as they waited for Daniel to speak but when he didn't they stepped forward...

And held out a pack of cigarettes.

"Eh??" thought Daniel, fully prepared to be beaten up.

The goons began to chat the pair up, asking where they were from and commenting on their looks.

"You two must be ladykillers huh? Hook me up sometime ok?" the leader asked smiling and shaking the cigarette packet at them.

Daichi dug into his pocket and waved a lollipop at them, "I quit smoking".

The goons looked taken aback, but even more so when Daniel interjected "And I don't know any girls", with a menacing look on his face.

The new pair then quickly left the scene, leaving behind the group of three to think about that hostile attitude.


Daichi POV
Danny and I returned to the classroom and met Jay on the way.

We went to our seats and Jay and I began a game of tic tac toe whilst Daniel went to sleep at his desk.

I lost every game.

"How are you so good at this!? It's meant to be chance, are you cheating!?" I said a little frustrated.

Jay shook his head quickly in denial.

"I guess I'm just bad at this then"

"No no you're fine, I just play all the time with my sister that's why" he hurried to reassure me.

"Aw thanks Jay! You're sweet" I smiled at him, and he looked away though I could see the tiniest hint of a blush on his cheeks.



I jumped and twisted in my seat to see Daniel blushing furiously and Zoe leaning away from him with a strange look on her face.

"Hey you ok Danny?" I asked, worried about his reaction.

"Yeah... I'm fine just a bit shocked that's all. Sorry Zoe, I didn't mean to scare you."

Mentally I snorted, "theres no chance of that", looking at the smitten expression on Zoe's face.


At home, I looked out the window at the dark sky, rummaged through my cupboards and sighed.

"Guess I've got to go shopping then" I muttered, grabbing my helmet and keys off the side table.

"To the convenience store!!"

".... god I'm cringy"


Third POV

Daichi pulled up on the curb next to the store and removed his helmet.

Running a hand through his hair he opened the door and walked through, immediately hearing the sound of someone getting hit.

Scanning the shop he looked for the source of the noise and saw Zack punching the poor cashier along with the three goons from earlier watching on.

"HEY!" the shout was out of Daichi's mouth before he knew it, attracting the attention of his four (five...) classmates.

"Leave him alone guys."

"Why should we?" the goons sneered.

"No it's fine, come on" Zack said, smirking for some reason.

They walked out of the store and Daichi hurried forward to check on the shorter guy.

Seeing his face, Daichi smiled.

"Well this seems familiar Daniel Daniel Park"

"Oh it's you! Thank you again", the chubby man laughed nervously and rubbed his bruised cheek.

"It's no problem, but we really should stop meeting like this"


Daichi then wandered off into the shop, returning about five minutes later with instant noodles, a bag of lollipops and bunches of fruit.

"By the way, I met your roommate today. He seems nice"

"Oh thank you"

"Why are you saying thank you?" Daichi questioned, laughing a little.

Daniel blushed red and muttered something under his breath.

"Anyway, I've got to go now but I guess I'll see you soon", Daichi waved and left, oblivious to the group of four that entered the shop and made straight for Daniel soon after.


And that's a wrap! Let me know what you thought in the comments :)

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