Chapter Four

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Ok guys,, it's time for Danny to stand up for himself (yaay)

Third POV
Daichi arrived early for school, trying to avoid the crowds of people that gathered at the front of the school.

He walked up to his desk eating a lollipop, put his head down and went to sleep.

His classmates slowly filtered in, with Daniel arriving later than the others and looking a little pale, as if he regretted his decision to come to school.

Daniel glanced around, spotting Daichi sleeping next to Jay in the corner, and felt a surge of gratefulness towards him for trying to stop the bullies even if they did return after he left.

He suddenly heard the group of goons from last night along with Zack and Zoe in the corner talking about some "pig" they beat up.

With a sick feeling, Daniel realised that they were sharing the obscene photo that they took of his original body, but couldn't find the confidence to do something about it.

Daichi was still asleep in the corner, so no support came from him.

Zack was boasting about his punching power and speed, glancing around to make sure people were taking notice and pretending to be embarrassed.

Then, Daniel heard something that made him see red.

"That piggy's mum must be a piggy too" leered one of the goons.

They were making fun of his mother!

(big) Daniel POV
As soon as I heard that, anger began to rise up in me.

"How dare they say that about my mother? My hardworking, selfless mother who has always put me first! She doesn't deserve this."

Before I knew it, I opened my mouth and told them "You've gone too far".

After these words there was a shocked silence, then Zack stood kicking over a table as he did.

Daichi POV
Another loud noise startled me awake and I looked around for its source.

Surprisingly (or not) it was Daniel in the center of it, with Zack scowling at him and telling him to get ready to fight.

I saw Daniel looking unsure and was about to step forward when Jay grabbed Zacks wrist. From the whispers echoing around I could tell it was rare for him to step in.

Glaring Zack wrenched his wrist free and swung, too quickly for anyone to do something about it.

I winced, already preparing myself to go over there and help Daniel out but then gasps sounded out from the crowd.

"He dodged it! He dodged Zack's fist!"

Daniel was ducking and weaving around Zack's punches, reading his body language and using that to help him.

"Huh, so he's got fighting experience then... but he's not gonna get anywhere just dodging like that."

As if he too recognised this, Zack changed the direction of his punch making it impossible for anyone to be able to dodge it.

I flinched, waiting for the inevitable cry of pain and bruise on Daniel's beautiful face (wait beautiful?) but it never came.

Instead he caught the punch with one hand and held it still.

Oohs and aahs of admiration were heard and Zack began to flush an ugly shade of red, feeling humiliated, trying harder and harder to hit Daniel.

A look of determination settled over Danny's features and a second later he hooked his fist and ducked under yet another punch then exploded upwards, driving his fist at high speed into Zack's stomach.

The other boy was knocked off his feet and flew backwards into the tables, crumpled over in a way that was reminiscent of the first time I met little Daniel.

A one punch knockout! I looked on in envy at Danny, imagining what kind of strength he had.

Everyone stared at Daniel in awe, wondering where he learnt to fight like that and admiring his skills.

Yet as I looked at him, I saw his uncomfortable expression whilst looking at Zack collapsed on the ground and the crowd that was cheering him on.

Sighing, I got up and walked over to them.

"Good job Danny, nice form there." I congratulated him seeing as he looked as if he needed some words of encouragement.

He smiled gratefully at me and then glanced over towards Jay.

I crouched down next to Zack and offered him a hand whilst also shielding him from the dispersing crowd.

"Come on, time to get up now." I tried to help him out, even if he wasn't great he didn't deserve to be totally humiliated in front of everyone.

"Yeah, thanks or whatever" he muttered, avoiding my gaze but still taking my hand and climbing to his feet.

"Not a problem" I smiled and the tips of his ears flushed pink.

Third POV
Unbeknownst to Daniel and Daichi, rumours of them were spreading quickly throughout J High.

Half the girls and boys in the school were practically in love with them already, their eyecatching looks buying them fame wherever they went.

News of Zack's defeat was therefore spread quickly and by that lunchtime, everyone knew.


alright done!
wow,, fight scenes are confusing to write :/

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