Chapter Six

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Third POV
Daniel and Daichi were waiting in the classroom the next day, when one of the goons came up to them.

"We're having a get together today, you two should join!"

Daichi looked doubtful, but one glance at the stars in Daniel's eyes told him that he'd have to go along with his friend.

So that's how they found themselves outside a tiny restaurant, and with confirmation from Doo, they entered.

A wave of smoke wafted against their faces, and through the hazy air, they could see the goons, Zack and Zoe sat at a small table.

There was numerous bottles of alcohol, and Daichi could tell that Daniel was hesitant so with a sigh he pushed him forward.

"Hey guys, sorry for the wait but we're here now."

"Good to see you Danny~" Zoe flirted.

"Hi Daichi" acknowledged the goons

The two newcomers took their seats, one next to Zoe and one next to Zack, and were offered drinks.

"Oh, I don't drink" said Daniel, looking slightly pale.

One of the goons scoffed, "must be a poor drinker huh. How about you Daichi?"

"Yeah thanks", he could tell he'd need at least  something to take the edge off this night.

As soon as he heard that Daniel didn't drink, Zack began knocking back shot after shot, and within a short time was completely hammered.

Daichi began to zone out a bit, listening to Zoe's flirting and the goons questions on where Daniel lived, until a woman suddenly appeared at their table.

"Hey kids, keep it down and stay out of trouble ok?" she instructed before looking up at them.

Instantly, she froze. "Who's the hottie and the cute one? They weren't here before!"

Suddenly caught up in a flirting war, Danny began to panic and Daichi seemed to give up on life.

"Will I have to tell them that I don't like women to get them to go away?", he wondered, staring up at the ceiling and praying for guidance.

Luckily, the owner eventually had to leave to serve other people, and Zoe seemed to relax again.

Zack was now well on his way to passing out from alcohol consumption, and decided to tell Daniel exactly how handsome he was.

"Hmmm" Daichi thought, amused, " maybe there was something to my Vin Jin theory after all".

Zack then turned toward Daichi, eyeing him in a way that made Daichi a little uncomfortable.

Launching himself at the smaller boy, Zack's lips connected with Daichi's, and, well, Daichi wasn't gonna pass this experience up.

He leant into the kiss, until Zack pulled away giggling, "Oops meant to hug!" and proceeded to latch onto his arm.

"Here we go again.... he gets troublesome when he's drunk" informed Doo.

"Yeah, I got that. But it's ok, I don't mind."

"We saw" Zoe laughed before turning her attention back to Daniel.

She snuck some alcohol into his glass when he wasn't looking, and the poor guy drank it.

Well, held it in his mouth for a second before realising and spitting it all out.

The others laughed at his expression of horror, though Zack tried to tell them off and Daichi leant over to pat his back reassuringly.

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