Chapter Five

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first meeting with crystal! and more...

Third POV
Daichi had decided to go and see little Daniel again and check up on him to see how he was doing.

Entering the convenience store, he was shocked at the sight of an absolutely beautiful woman talking to Daniel.

Smirking slightly, he settled to the side to wait for their conversation to finish and watched as the woman brought him an energy drink. It seemed she had caught him working out?

Finally the woman left and Daichi emerged from one of the side isles.

"Hiya Daniel, how're you?"

Daniel started out of his thoughts, a light blush scattered across his cheeks.

"Oh Daichi, it's you"


The two chatted away, talking about places they'd like to go one day until Jiho scuttled in, looking shiftily around and Daichi melted into the background.

"Ah, welcome. Can I help you?" Daniel asked with some relief as he could tell Jiho was also at the bottom of the barrel with him.

"Um yes please. Where're the chargers?"

"Over there" Daniel smiled and then drifted off into his thoughts again.

Jiho walked over, grabbed a charger and, glancing around uncomfortably, shoved it up his shirt and tried to run off.

He probably would've made it, if Daichi hadn't picked that moment to step into his way and accidentally trip him up.

"Oh gosh sorry!"
"Are you ok?"
Came two voices, raised in concern and apology.

Jiho was moved by their concern over him.

"Look, if you just steal that and leave I'll be in trouble with my boss..."

Daniel trailed off at the sight of Zack's three goons entering the shop and a new girl who was eyeing up Daichi.

"What're you doing Ji-hole? Didn't I tell you to steal that charger from the piggy?" the leader spoke threateningly, but before things could escalate further Daichi stepped in.

"How about you turn around and leave us alone huh." he glowered, eyes glinting dangerously.

The goons glanced at eachother nervously before facing forward again and scoffing.

"Yeah? What're you going to do about it?"

"This" Daichi stated, stepping smoothly forward and shoving the goons out the door before following them.

Once outside they turned around fuming, "you little-"

The leader was cut off by a punch straight in the throat that sent him down choking to the floor then a kick was lashed into his head, knocking him out.

Daichi turned to the others.

"I hate bullies."

Shaking out his fist he stated "next" coolly and waited for them to charge him.

But before they could, a large shadow loomed behind them and placed a hand on their shoulders.

"V-Vasco?" the goons stuttered turning pale.

"You guys are bad guys."

"... Is he a child?" Daichi thought, confused.

"Leave now."

"O-ok!" the goons fled, dragging their unconscious friend with them.

"Well, at least he gets results."

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