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Request: Yes

POV: y/n is scared of thunderstorms, and Wilbur helps comfort them.

Point of view: first person (I, me, etc)

Genre: fluff

I had always been scared of thunderstorms, ever since I was young all the way until now.

I sat in bed, next to my boyfriend Wilbur, who was on his laptop.

Suddenly, I hear rain start to pour outside of the window.

I hope it's just rain.

"Wilbur what if-" I try to ask, but he cuts me off.

"Shhh, its going to be okay, I will be right here, okay darling?" He smiles, putting his arm around me.

Suddenly, thunder strikes, and I put my head into the crook of his neck as it startled me.

He strokes my hair, and attempts to calm me down with affirmations.

"I'm right here, it's going to be okay princess." He says rubbing my back sympathetically.

As thunder strikes again, I feel myself start to cry, as my chest tightens and I try to hold back the annoying sound you make when you try to hold in tears but need some air.

"You are doing great, just a little bit longer." He says, looking at his laptop which says the storm should only last about 10 more minutes.

Five minutes later, I had my head on his chest, and he was playing with my hair to get my mind off of it.

It was pleasant until every one in a while I would be scared by a loud bang outside.

He always comforted me when thunder struck, by kissing my head or telling me "it's okay, I'm here."

After the thunder stopped, he was telling me how good of a job I did.

"You did great, my love!" He says, holding my close.

"I love you." I say.

He smiles.

"I love you too, princess."

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