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||Bright's POV||

"Did you check it twice?" I asked

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"Did you check it twice?" I asked. Sitting at my desk with my laptop open

"Yeah, but I told you, I may have or may not deleted it by accident!" He said frustratedly.

I sighed. "Then why did you delete it in the first place? Are you high or something?"

"What the hell?! Now you think I'm high?" he asked, sounding so mad. God, help me with this guy. "Just help me retrieve the files!"

Now, you must be confused about what's going on. You see, the moment I almost lost my control, the moment I thought that my anxieties were going to act up, the moment this guy, Win Metawin, called me with a trembling tone, and I actually thought he was in danger and I was ready to cut some throat, but...

He just accidentally deleted some important files!

"Just check the recycle bin, see if it's there" I said. We're now on video call, and I see his frustration on the screen. I'm sleepy

"Hmmm..." he groaned. "What do I do?! It has not been a month since I started managing the restaurant, and now I lost the important files!"

"It should not be that bad," I said, trying to calm him down. He looks like he's about to cry. "I thought Jumpol's the one who owns the restaurant before you."

"Well, yeah, but," he said, looking down and having a solemn expression. Is it weird that I want to go to him and wipe that sad look off his face? "I don't want to always rely on P'Off and P'Gun; they have always been there for me ever since my parents disowned me for being an Omega. I want to at least return the favor to them. Show them that I can do things without them now. I have the sun, so I need to learn how to do things on my own to be able to raise the sun on my own."

with his speech. I actually realized how much determination Win has right now. And his determination to prove that he can live his life with his son and do things on his own. It kind of reminds me of back then.

But he still has his parents, while mine have already left me alone in this world. Seeing the Omega that I promised to trust and make mine made me smile.

"Don't worry," I said in a calm tone. He looks up. "I'll do something, but don't panic."


"Just don't touch your laptop," I said with an amused tone.

I started to type some code on my laptop, track the hard drive or system of his laptop, and do some other things.

"Hey, what are you?"

"Shhh! If you want those files back, just shut up and sit pretty there," I said, focusing on what I was doing.

"Pre-pretty?...hngghhmmm...bastard," he mutters. I smirked and just continued what I was doing.

After a few minutes, I clicked enter and was done. I heard his laptop ring. Win has a confused expression on his face. He looks at me skeptically, and I just smile.

"Just check your files again," I said. He still looks at me suspiciously, but I do what I told him.

"W-what the?! How?" he asked in total shock and surprise. "Did you just hack my laptop?"

"What? No "thank you" for me? Seriously? After I retrieve your files, that's what you're going to say?" I said in total disappointment. I sighed in frustration. "And here I thought you're a good guy."

Win rolls his eyes sassily. "Fine. Thank you, Mr. Chiva-aree," he said with a sassy tone.

"That's more like it."

"Okay, okay! Thanks for helping me. I'll just get this arranged, then I'll go to sleep," he said.

"Sure, I'll just watch you," I said, leaning on my chair.

"Aren't you going to sleep already? I mean, it's already past 12 a.m."

I shook my head. "Nah, I don't feel sleepy yet, so I'll just talk to you or watch you do your work."

He gave a disgusted look. "That's creepy; do you always say that to every person you're trying to flirt with?"

"What?" I immediately respond. "Why would you say that?"

"I mean, I know that I am not the first one you have dated before," he said, clearly busy with his laptop.

"Nope. Those people are not in a serious relationship with me—more like a fuck buddy, to be exact," I said. I looked at the screen and saw him with a sad look again. Damn, I need to watch my words more often now whenever I'm around Win. "But, of course, that does not apply to you. They just don't make me feel the way you are making me feel."

He looks at me with furrowed eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?"

I stare at him. I remember every feature he has—his eyes, his lips, and his chubby cheeks—that I just want to kiss and pinch all day and all night. The feeling that Win is making me feel—I don't know what it is, but all I know is that he is the only one with whom I feel different among those who I fucked.

"Nothing. It's a secret, Mr. Metawin," I said with a business tone and winked at him. He blushed and looked away. "You're cute when you're embarrassed and flustered."

"Shut your mouth; I'm busy," he said. I only chuckled and watched him do his work.

As watching him. I am actually glad that this was the only problem he had. When he called with a trembling tone, I was already panicking inside, and a lot of scenarios were running through my head.

I don't know what to do at this time. I really thought he was in danger or something bad might have happened to him, because if that happens, I don't know if I can still keep my sanity under control and not go on a killing spree. I'm glad that he's safe. For now, I will keep an eye on him; I can't have him in danger. Not now. Tomorrow. Not in the upcoming days or years.


  "Hey, boss" Dew said as I went inside my office. "You look tired. What hour did you sleep last night, huh?"

I sat on my swivel chair, rested my elbows on my desk, and rested my head on my right hand. "I don't know."

"Okay," he said, looking at me skeptically. "Anyways, the medicines and equipment have already been shipped to Wang Nam Khiao safely, and Mr. Watthanasetsiri sends his thanks for the meds. He also gave us 356 million dollars as his gratitude."

"Dumbass, he could've just used it to buy those medicines he needed," I said. I'm clearly not in the mood, and I'm still lacking sleep. That Win Metawin, I don't know if I should be mad or happy.

Just be safe, you little bunny....

don't worry, not now✌️😖
  ‼️(This Chapter is already edited since I noticed some typos)‼️

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