Chapter 23

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Contains Violence and Torture🔪🩸
   ⚠️Slight Mature Content ⚠️

||Bright's POV||

"Are you going to talk or not? I still need to go and meet my Omega and his son," I said with no emotion.

The guy stayed silent. I kicked him again in the face, really hard. His head turned to the other side, and he spit blood again.

"Talk. If you want to live," I asked one more time. The guy looked at me with anger in his eyes.

"I will never tell you, you bastard," he said between breaths. "He will never be yours."

It irked me. My eyes turned yellow. I was about to give the guy a good hard punch on the face, but Dew stopped me.

"Bright!" I halted and glared at him. "Your eyes are yellow; you know what will happen to that guy if you punch him," he reasoned.

I stood straight, retreating my fist. I carefully and slowly move my head to give my neck a crack. As much as I want to punch this filthy rat, I cannot do it with my eyes glowing like the radiant rays of the sun. One punch is an instant kill. I don't want to do that just yet; I still need to squeeze some information out of this guy.

"I'm giving you one last chance," I said. I kneeled down to match his height. I gripped his face forcefully, and I did not notice that my eyes were still yellow. He has cried in agony since I broke his hand. Not the jaw bone; we still need that. "Tell me. Now."


  What the fuck

  "Bright, control yourself, we still need to-"

"Shut up, I know what I'm doing!!" I shouted. My voice echoed around the whole room. I mean, this is a small prison room with no windows and a metal door. "Fine, not going to speak, eh?"

I looked at Dew and nodded. He looked at me with hesitation but nodded nonetheless. After seconds. Sounds of agony, cries, and moans are heard. Dew came back, dragging a woman by her hair. The woman is clearly struggling and scratching Dew's hand, but to no avail. She was also in a blindfold, so there's no problem with doing bloody stuff in front of her.

"N-nikki!" The guy spoke. "What are you doing to her?" he shouted in complete anger.

"If you won't talk," I grabbed the knife and walked towards the girl. Dew apprehended the girl properly, tilting the girl's head upwards and showing a flawless, cream-skinned neck. I dragged my knife on her skin, making sure she would not be cut just yet. Her cries and groans grew louder. We will have to cut this woman's neck. You want that? "

"No! No, no! Please don't hurt her!" He shouted, trying to break the chains.

"You won't talk, so I'll have to cut her neck" I said. Ignoring the guy and the girl's cries and shouts Digging the knife and dragging it not too deep. A small amount of blood came out

"I'll talk! I'll talk!!!" He shouted. I looked at him and stopped my movements. Though the knife is still sticking to the girl's neck, "There's someone; he told me to keep an eye on the kid. He told me to keep an eye on the kid's father or mother as well; I don't really know who!"

"Is that all?" I asked with no emotion.

He nodded furiously. "Yes! Yes! Please, don't hurt her! That's all I know!"

"I don't believe you," I said, and I buried the knife deeper.

"Wait! The boy's mother! They want him! They want him! That's all! They just wanted me to spy on him, then get the kid and the mom!"

Hiding His Son || A BrightWin AU✓Where stories live. Discover now