Chapter 41

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   I'm not in the mood for tortures, so I'm going to skip that part✌️ Triple Update?

  ||Bright's POV||
(The next day)

 This time, I'll finish them off. Two months of suffering may be not enough for what they had done, but I'm getting tired of playing with them. So, I'll just dispose of them.

As for Win. He's getting better little by little, and we managed to get him an ultrasound to see the little bean. For the first time, his eyes show joy, and I think we're coming closer to bringing my mate back.

Today, we're heading off to the dungeon since I want to finish off Win's parents. Playing with them isn't fun now; they just whimper and beg. Tch! Olds...

I left Win in the care of P'Gun; they went to visit him after all, and I asked them to look after my mate while I do something that requires blood. I just want all of this to be done, and that will only happen if those bitches are gone for sure.

"Sire, we're here." The driver spoke. The door of the car opens, and I hop off.

I already told Dew about the things I wanted to dispose of. And I also asked P'Off to do other stuff for me. As much as I want to just leave them rotten, I don't want my family name to have dirt.

walking down to the dungeon. I was met with two brutally bruised people, already tense up. Dew is beside them, holding a gun. They both looked up, and their eyes went rigid when they saw me.

"Hello, nice to see you again," I said.

"Hannnhn..hisss...." Win's mother, Lara, tried to speak, but of course, since it's the same substance that she used on Win, he almost lost his voice. The same thing happened to her.

"Just kill us, you monster," Win's father, Mevrick, said.

"Sure, I'm getting tired playing with both of you anyway," I said. I went to the table and grabbed the syringe. "Let's get this over with; my family is still waiting for me."


"Send them to the farthest mental asylum; I don't want to see their faces again," I said as I took my shirt off.

"Yes, sir," they said, dragging the two spaced-out people out of the room. While the others clean up the mess.

"I'm surprised you didn't kill them," Dew said as he cleaned himself up. "I thought you said you wanted to kill them and grind their bodies."

"That was the plan before, but I suddenly changed my mind." wearing the new shirt. I feel freshly clean.

"What's the sudden change? Is it about your mate?"

I looked at him. "Maybe"

He chuckled. We both went out of the godforsaken place and went our separate ways. I'm still out of work, so he and P'Mike are the ones handling things for now, until I make sure that Win is going to be alright without me around.

arriving at the place. I guess P'Gun and his kids are still here. Walking inside, I heard glass shutters and screams. I hurried my steps and went to where the noises were coming from. There I saw my mate, sitting on the floor with his hands all bloodied up and pieces of plates scattered. P'Gun is by his side, but he's sobbing harder.

"I'll handle this; can you get the first aid?" I said. P'Gun nodded and left.

"Hey, baby." I went near him, avoiding the broken pieces. I kneeled down on his level and held his face. "What happened?"

He looked up at me and cried harder. I can tell that he wants to cling to me, but because his hands are still covered in glass, he can't. I kissed his forehead and carried him to the sink, carefully avoiding his hand. I asked the maid to clean up the broken glass, and P'Gun came back with first aid in his hands before leaving again.

"Baby, talk to me. What happened back there?" I asked as I took the pieces of broken glass off his hands. Luckily, it's not the deep...

"Don't go," he said. I looked up at him and saw tears trailing down on his cheeks again. "P'Gun said you went off to see my parents. I'm sorry, please don't go. They'll hurt you; they're going to kill you and hurt you. I'm sorry, it's my fault, so please don't go to them. They'll hurt you. They'll take you and Sun away from me again. Please don't go."

I felt a pain in my heart. I placed his hands on the cool, running water to wash up the blood. I caressed his hands and held them with tender care.

"Bunny, it's done. They will never hurt you or take me and Sun away from you ever again," I said. He looks up, and our eyes meet. I placed his hands down on the fluffy towel and held his face closer to mine as our foreheads touched and he brushed off the tears under his eyes and cheeks.

"Everything's alright now; no one's ever going to hurt you or the kids. It's safe, and I'm fine, you see?"

"It's safe?" he asked. I nodded. "They're not going to take you away."

"No. I won't let them."

after cleaning his wounds. I wrapped it up with a bandage. I carried him again towards the couch, and we both sat down.

"So, tell me what happened?" I asked. He rests his head on my chest as I play with his hair.

"I wanted to make you some food, but when I asked P'Gun where you were, he told me that you went to see them. I was scared, and I didn't want to lose you."

"Oh, bunny," I said, burying my nose in his hair and inhaling his scent. Also scenting him to make him feel more safe: "I just had to, so I can be sure that you and the kids are going to be safe."

"Hmmm." He only hummed.

But I'm actually glad that he's finally talking, though his voice is a bit raspy, probably because of how many days he has not spoken. We can heal that fast.

Soon after, the kids joined us. We also told everyone about Win's pregnancy. Everyone was surprised to know and they asked how, since Win was taken away. Turns out, the last time we did it was a day or two before he was kidnapped. The semen leaks through the condom. I didn't notice that it broke because of how tight Win is and how big it is. Oh no! I'm getting hard again. Stop thinking, stop thinking, stop thinking.

after that eventful day. The P'Off family went back to their own house. As for Marine, Win was actually glad to see his younger brother. It went well, I guess.

Marine also told me that they will be returning to their own house soon, since he now knows that his older brother is finally recovering. He also promised that they would not do any harm to Win ever again and that he would actually turn things right.

Though I want to tell the kid that his parents are already crazy and are now in a mental asylum, It's best to let him be.

The kids wouldn't go to sleep and kept on insisting that they wanted to sleep with me and Win.

I asked Win about it, and he just nodded and finally smiled, though it was not that visible, but I saw his smile slightly. We all went to bed, with our little ones between me and Win. Resting here, with the—I guess now—four of them in my arms, feels so good. Seeing them rest peacefully This feels like a dream. And if this really is a dream, I don't ever want to wake up.

Bad things are done! Now, to the good things!🦋

‼️(This Chapter is already edited since I noticed some typos)‼️

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