Chapter 37

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||Bright's POV||

I woke up from my deep slumber

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I woke up from my deep slumber. I'm still feeling like something is missing from me. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. We already captured those bitches, but I'm still not satisfied with the outcome; they need to suffer slowly and painfully.

after a lot of thinking. I got out of bed and went to take a bath. I still stink from yesterday's battle with those weaklings. After taking a bath, I just wore normal everyday clothes and went to the living room.

On my way there, I saw Win's little brother, Marine, with his daughter. I guess his daughter just woke up. I still have doubts about him. It might take some time for me to accept him as an ally.

"Oh, hey, sir," he formally greeted me. His daughter did the same.

"Please, just call me Bright. You are my mate's brother, aren't you?"

He chuckled. "Yeah, I'm sorry. And I'm sorry on my parents behalf. What they did to my brother—I mean, to your mate—is not acceptable; I would've lost it as well if that happened to Hannah."

"Why are you saying sorry?" I asked with a bored tone.


I sighed. "I would be lying if I said that I already trust you. The thing is, what your parents did has nothing to do with you or your daughter or wife, unless you took part in torturing my mate."

"Of course not! I would never do that to my brother," he defended himself. "In fact, I actually feel ashamed and scared. P'Win should have been the one to be treated like a prince; he should be the one to inherit all of what I have today."

"But that's not what happened," I said. He looked up, and I continued. "You can't change the past, and you also can't keep looking back at it. If it's what happened, then it is what happened, but one thing you can do is look up for your future and control it on your own."

He looks at me with surprise and amazement in his eyes. He then smiled and gave a small nod.

"Thank you for the advice; I'll make sure to remember that," he said with a sincere voice.

This kid wasn't that bad at all.

After that... heartfelt talk? We both went to the living room. There's no one there, so I guess they're all in the kitchen, judging by the noise coming from there.

We went to the kitchen, and there they are. All sitting at the dining table: four kids plus Marine's kid, so that's five already. All are sitting at the dining table on their high chairs. Marine's mate, Hannah, and P'Gun are cooking.

the moment I stepped in. Sun looked at me and immediately jumped off the high chair. That got me scared for a moment. I kneeled a little to catch him in my arms. I caught him, carried him towards the seat, and let him sit on my lap.

Hiding His Son || A BrightWin AU✓Where stories live. Discover now