Meeting Master Wu and Misako!

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"Hello" Talking
'...'  Thinking
-Goodbye- Point of view/PoV or something..?
Flashback = Italics?
Author talking or Eji :D = Bold & underline

About Y/n: :^

Hair color = H/c
Eye color = E/c
Hair length = H/l
Skin color = S/c
Favorite Color = F/c
Favorite food = F/f


-Author's PoV-

An older man punch a 5 years old child making the small body of the child to fall down from the impact. The little girl lets out a small yelp


The scene changes into the front of a run-down house, broken windows, small children's in the left side wearing Dirty, crappy Kimonos, their dirty and greasy hair covering their eyes, some of the bodies were pale as a sheet, close to death, many of their bodies are thin only flesh and bones. The door suddenly opens to see the man that punch the little girl earlier coming out of the broken house, he was dragging the child he punched, then threw her. Blood was  dripping on the child's nose and mouth, her h/c hair covered her eyes.

'I'm hungry...

I'm Sad...

I feel Hopeless...

but then, One day.......

I heard a sound like a snap......

. . . . . .

and I never knew pain again....'

The little girl thought as she leans back to the wall, sitting while pulling her legs to her chest. Staring blankly in space, her body pale, only skin and bones, dull e/c eyes, and dirty and greasy, matted hair.

Few days later

The little girl is tied up in the waist with a rope, and a bold man is holding the end of the rope tightly.

'While living poverty, Even when my Parents sold me, it didn't even make me sad'

Suddenly an old man carrying a bamboo staff with him calls out to the bold-headed man.

Suddenly an old man carrying a bamboo staff with him calls out to the bold-headed man

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(Eji: I do not own this.)

-   ------ -- PoV-

I was taking a stroll around a village of ----- until I notice a child, (Eji: by the way, this was before the Ninjas were gathered and your only 5 right now :')) being tied up in the waist, wearing a dirty, old, crappy Kimono. Messy H/c, dull and lifeless E/c Eyes.

Just following the man in a brown kimono, looking at the ground

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Just following the man in a brown kimono, looking at the ground. I walk towards them. My blood boiling from anger but keep my composer.

"Excuse me, sir, do you have a minute?" I said to the man at is holding the rope. He looks and turns around to see who is talking to him. I kneeled down to the child's height and ask "Hello there child, My name is Master Wu, nice to meet you, What's your name?" she just looks at me with those Dull E/c eyes.

 Then man spoke to me harshly "she got no name, all right, her parent never gave her one."

"If you wanna talk to this kid, pay up!" he said intentionally attracting a crowd, he was about to grab me but I slapped his hands away and dig inside my pocket, throws some money, and said "All right, then I'll purchase her" and snack the rope and run with the child, when I glance back at her I see her Looking at me. But the difference is, the child's eyes aren't Dull and lifeless. Now her eyes are shining. You poor thing...

-Timeskip brought to you by your good for nothing Author/Eji XD-

-Third PoV-

After Master Wu took you away from the bold-headed man, he welcomed you to his home which is at the top of the highest mountain in Ninjago City. Here you are now at the bathroom, trying to bathe yourself, Keyword: TRYING. Which ended up in a failure then you heard voices, Master Wu's voice, and a unfamiliar voice, that sounds like a female.

Then the voices got closer, someone knocks through the bathroom door, you didn't answer, they knocked several times but you still didn't answer due to your trauma you just look at the door blankly, then you hear the unfamiliar female voice.

"little one, I'll open the door now." when she opens the door, only to see you looking at her with curiosity and confusion. You tilt your right. She gasps kneels o you and putting her hands on your shoulder (Eji: Put your hands on my shoulder~ muahahaha jk jk.)
Looking at you with a face full of worry she then introduces herself as Misako. She stands up, walks to the bathtub She then gets the bath ready while you look at her blankly but there were hints of curiosity in those E/c eyes. She looks back at you have walks toward you, she picks you up took off your clothes.


Now we see you sitting looking at the two adults having a one-sided arguing

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Now we see you sitting looking at the two adults having a one-sided arguing.

"Wu! Wu! Wu This child is hopeless!" Misako complained. While Master Wu just poured tea into their cups.

"Calm down Misako, here have some Tea." Wu trying to Calm Misako down, Misako just sigh
"I'm just worried.....a child like her that doesn't think about herself, it's dangerous..." Misako reasoned, then Wu stands up and walks towards the child who has been silently looking and listening to them in the beginning, and he pulls out a coin and takes her hand puts the coin in her hand while saying "All right when you are on your own, you can decide by flipping this coin. Right Y/n? As long as it's given a chance, A person's soul will open up, so don't worry." Retreating his hand from her "When you fall in love with someone someday, You'll change, Too, Y/n."


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