6 Years Part-1

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"Hello" Talking
'...' Thinking
-Goodbye- Point of view/PoV or something..?
Flashback = Italics?
Author talking or Eji :D = Bold & underline


Many years have passed since Y/n was saved by Master Wu, it has also been three years since Y/n last saw Misako. Her routine is alwys: Wake up, take a bath, eat, train, train, train, and sleep.

It has been 6 years since Wu saved her, 3 years since Misako last visit, Despite not having her elemental powers yet, she created her own way of helping Master Wu in the future and now Master Wu announce that there going to be new students, He instructed her to attack them when they finish his test one by one. And Master Wu has been gone for few weeks, the first ninja that Sensei Wu brought into the Monastery was:

Zane Julien

When he arrived here in the Monastery, You would describe him as a Nice and weird kind of person, Master Wu asked your opinion about him and you answered *after you Flip the coin it landed Tails*

"My Opinion does not matter Master Wu"

He was able to complete Master Wu's test the night after he finishes his test, Master Wu Told Zane to sleep because he needs rest for tomorrow, while Master Wu was asleep, Zane was getting ready to sleep that's when you attack.

He was able to complete Master Wu's test the night after he finishes his test, Master Wu Told Zane to sleep because he needs rest for tomorrow, while Master Wu was asleep, Zane was getting ready to sleep that's when you attack

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(Eji: You can change the color in your F/c Ok!)

(Eji: You can change the color in your F/c Ok!)

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(Eji: your blade/katana Btw! you could always change it if you want :D and your cloak you can pick whatever you like

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(Eji: your blade/katana Btw! you could always change it if you want :D and your cloak you can pick whatever you like.)

You were silently observing him from above, You suddenly jump down startling him, he back away from you. "Who are you?" He asked you but you didn't reply. he observes you first but he couldn't see your face because of your hood but he can tell that you are a female due to your body.
You suddenly swung Your katana to cut him but he ducks in the last second, tries to sweep you over using his right leg, but you jump to dodge, You brought your left leg down to an ax kick, Zane blocks it with his hands in an X position, he groans in pain, You then kick him (using your right leg, also not giving him a moment to attack or think) by the sides sending him outside in the training ground hitting the wall, you walk out from his room with your katana in your hand, walking towards him he stands up slowing feeling the pain from the impact, he then Stands in a fighting stance you then sprinted towards him only to be interrupted by  Master Wu.

"That's enough Y/n." You immediately obeyed, you bowed to Master Wu Zane Look shocked and said "You have another student?!" you then pull down your hood, so he can see your face his face are full of shock and surprise, Zane couldn't believe it him being a 17 (Eji: your 40 Zane. Wait- spoilers!!) while your just a 10-11 years old, *almost* defeated him. "Yes, I do, Zane meet Y/n, Y/n meet Zane," Master Wu said and introduce.

"Nice to meet you Y/n" Zane greeted with a smile.

You just gave him a smile but your eyes say otherwise, it's a field with nothing but emptiness.

Jay Walker

Master Wu brought the next ninja in after a few days after the night of your fight with Zane, Like what you did to Zane you observe him, keep hiding, waiting for an opportunity to attack (the same way that you did to Zane), from observing him the good thing is that Zane didn't tell him about you yet. Even so, if Zane told him about you, you didn't mind at all.

He also passed Master Wu's test, A week later he and Zane have been training together though there are a few times Zane did drop hints about you to Jay, the brown-haired never notices, It was lunchtime right now, Zane was in the kitchen cooking lunch while Jay was outside training, Master Wu is nowhere to be found in the monastery. You grab a few pebbles with a flick of a wrist, one pebble hit the back of his head, hard. Knocking him out cold before he could fall in the ground, you caught him, you stared at time blankly you gently put him on your back and walk to his room, put him gently in his bed. and you go outside and sit looking at the sky with a smile.

 and you go outside and sit looking at the sky with a smile

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-An Hour Later-

-Jay's POV-

"Ugh...What....happened....?" I opened my eyes, but close them shut due to the ligh and opened them slowly, I sat up and look around.

'What?!?! When did I get here?!?!' I was busily freaking out I didn't even notice Zane Come in.

"Jay I'm glad you're awake." I jump and stop freaking out when I heard Zane, I look around to see Him looking at me from the door. He Enters and spoke worried "Y/n really hit you hard with a pebble." Y/n?  "Who's Y/n? what do you mean? Pebble? What happened? WHAT'S GOING ON!?!"

"Jay, Calm down then I'll answer your questions." Zane calms me down for a bit.

"Y/n is Sensei Wu's other student, Y/n threw a pebble and you pass out due to the impact of the pebble."

"huh?" I'm confused...

"Can I meet them?!"

"Sure, why not. Follow me"
Zane then walks out of my room, I also followed, I was able to catch up with meet we go to the training group, I see a kid with
H/c-haired, E/c eyes but seem to be a little bit dulled but there's still a shine in them, I notice that she was surrounded by Butterfly, one of the butterflies were in her index finger smiling.

"Y/n" I look at Zane (then to 'Y/n'), who called out to this 'Y/n' person she turned around smiling at us I look back at Zane who was smiling at her too. When I turn around I see her looking at us With a coin? In her hand?. she then flips the coin it spins Much time in the air, she caught it and covered it with her Hand After a seconds, she lifts her hand to reveal Heads, I look at her confused, She looks at us again.

"Hello Jay, My apologies for throwing a rock at you." she bowed,



That's how Jay Walker officially met Y/n L/n.

A/N: I'm really sorry if this was late same with the future chapters will be on slow updates, sorry......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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