Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

As they all worried Genesis found herself in the most glorious of dreams. All she could remember was waking up to a kaleidoscope of colors. She was in a massive wooded area and every tree was filled with an abundance of fruit. Where could she be? Unsure of anything, her body propelled her forward in search of answers.

Genesis only stopped once and that was when she was before a massive tree. She looked up and saw the juiciest red apples she had ever seen. Just then the wind blew their smell to her and she inhaled but turned and kept walking. Apples where not her favorite fruit. What her heart desired was a banana.

Once reaching that particular tree. A monkey dropped down and handed her two yellow beautiful bananas. “Why thank you kind sir. How did you know I was hungry?” She said giggling. I mean come on, who talks to monkeys.

When she was half way done, a bird showed up and dropped a peach on her lap. One by one, an array of animals came to her bearing gifts of fruit. Was this really happening? Maybe she was just dreaming. Genesis musings were cut short when a voice interrupted her thoughts. “What are you doing her? You should not be here. It’s not your time yet!

The urgency in the voice made her look up. Only to squint as the sun rays bathed the woman in light. “I’m sorry, I don’t know where here is. Where am I exactly?” Genesis covered the top of her eyes in order to see the woman better. It was a waste of time for she saw nothing. That is until the woman stepped to the side and covered the glare.

What Genesis saw, made her choke on the grape that was in her mouth. The woman bent and gently patted her back. “Mi hija lida.” She said as she continued to gently pat her back. Was it wrong that all she thought was? “You aren’t supposed to pat a person when they choke. You should encourage them to keep coughing so whatever went down the wrong pipe comes out.”

The laughter of the woman made her look up. “Mi hija, you are always thinking too much.” Genesis gulped. That word, she had called her daughter for the second time. It couldn’t be.

“Mama?” She asked in a timid voice.

“Si, mi preciosa hija. I am indeed your mama.” Her precious daughter, she had called her; her precious daughter. There was nothing precious about her. The woman once again laughed as she opened her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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