update lol?

28 0 1

hello gamers it is i, i am not dead

i've been gone for four years, huh?

while i do miss this account, i don't think i have the energy to continue writing for this cursed book.

im into genshin impact and danganronpa rn though, maybe i'll write for that, maybe i won't. it depends, i doubt anyone's even gonna see this cus of how long it's been haha

i might as well reintroduce myself, yeah? i'm not uni anymore, i now prefer to go by liz.

i haven't decided whether i'm going to delete this book or not just yet. maybe it'll be good to let go of the past and move on. but at the same time, this book was fairly successful at a time and apparently lots of people enjoyed it. 4k reads? that's insane to me.

well, to whoever is reading this, thank you for listening.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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