20 guest rooms.

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thank you so much for letting us come by. Carmen said symbolizing that they were leaving.

why don't you guys use our guest rooms. Amanda suggested.

no we wouldn't want to be a bother. she  said as Amanda and Daniel insisted.

what do you think. she asked her mother in Spanish who said to take the opportunity.

the family decided to stay the night, Sam and Anastasia bunked, then Anthony and Miguel, and last the two adults who got separate rooms. 

Sam and Anastasia decided to get to know each other since there was nothing else to do. 

so how long have you and Miguel been going out for. the brunette asked as Anastasia shrugged.

i think tomorrow will be one month, we were instantly friends when we met tho.   

cute, so like a friends to lovers sitch. Sam asked as they laughed. 

yeah but then the dude that i was hooking up with almost ruined it. she sighed talking about josh.

that would have sucked. Sam said thinking. 

gotta picture. she asked as Anastasia nodded showing their family photo.

he's definitely cute. sam said looking at josh. 

yep, he was my first to. she sighed putting her phone away.

was he bad or somthing. she asked as the teen shook her head.

god no, i just wish it was with someone i loved. she said as sam felt bad for her.

wanna go steal some cookies. sam suggested hoping to make her smile. 

sure. she smiled as they two sneaked down the stairs  

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