Chapter Thirteen

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Sorry I didn't update sooner, my weekend was hectic. But Zugzwang...I'm still depressed about that. Sigh.

"He's still in there...somewhere..." Diana repeatedly murmurs to herself, seeming to ignore the team's presence.

"So all we have to do is try to help him remember. That's it then, simple as that," Morgan says.

"Morgan, it's not that easy. You know that," Hotch tells him.

"Before we decide anything, how about we ask him? Doesn't Reid get a say in this?" Emily objects.

"He should at least know his options," Rossi supports Emily.

Hotch looks between the two before deciding. "Alright. Let's talk to him about it."

~~~~~ . : . ~~~~~

"It's your choice, whatever you want to do," JJ says. They all look at me expectedly.

I'm not sure what to decide, though. There are quite a few options for helping me recover my memory, but they all sound like they take years to work. I want something to work as fast as possible.


"You don't have to decide right now....we just thought you'd like the option to choose what happens."

"Can I sleep on it?" I awkwardly ask.

"Of course. Do you want us to leave?" Hotch asks.

I think I've got their names down, by the way. Jennifer Jareau (we call her 'JJ'), Emily Prentiss, Aaron Hotchner (we call him 'Hotch'), David Rossi, Derek Morgan, and Penelope Garcia. I haven't met her yet, though. Derek called her a 'flirt', and said if she says something flirty to me, she's joking.

"No, that's o..." I trail off as I notice someone entering. I recognize her.

"Penelope Garcia?" I ask the newcomer in surprise.

When Derek said she is 'original' in her choice of apparel, he meant it. Her hair is intricately teased, her dress is colorful and happy, and many bracelets decorate her wrists. Her outfit looks like it belongs on a child. Somehow it seems to suit her, though.

I glance back at the team, wondering if they knew she was coming. But all their faces are surprised, jaws slightly apart. Looking back at the woman, I notice how guilty she looks.

"I know you said I shouldn't come here, but I couldn't stand it any longer. You don't know what it's like. You guys go off all the time, risking your lives, and I can't do anything from inside my little cave. You don't know what it's like to hear some heartbreaking news, then be told not to do a d*mn thing about it! At least you're here, with him. I didn't even get to hear his voice, just to make sure." Her voice is mixed with pain and a tint of anger.

Derek looks between her and the teammates for a few moments. "Garcia..." It seems he's at a loss for words.

"Just let me stay. Please. I have my go bags and I've already checked into the hotel. I can do this job much better when I'm not having terrible images of any of your mangled bodies lying somewhere, all alone. I can handle this. Just let me talk to him a little," she fights back tears.

Hotch stares at her, thinking everything through.

She really wants to stay here...maybe I can help. "Are you Garcia? I've been dying to meet you," I smile.

Hotch glances at me before returning his eyes to Garcia. "Did you already set up your equipment at the station?"


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