Chapter Nineteen

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"Yup, let's go!" Natalie exclaims as she hops into the passenger seat of the car.

At first, I was wary of having myself drive the whole time, but I've been doing okay, and Natalie promised she'd help me. She told me I had to start driving again sooner or later, so I should start now.

"You sure you want me to...?"

"Of course. I trust you, Spencer." She smiles, making my worrying vanish. I hide a small smile and pull out of her driveway.

The drive isn't too long, and we talk the whole way there. She tells me stories from her childhood, and I can tell she wants to know what I've remembered so far. I know she's just being patient, and knows I'll tell her when I'm ready.

Maybe I'm ready to talk about it. Not about Daley, but everything else. I really want to tell her, but I...

"I'm sure you had plenty of silly things from your childhood," she giggles. It's on the tip of her tongue, I can hear it. Her unspoken, "what have you remembered?"

"Well, I, uh, remembered when I played baseball when I was really young," I carefully say. That was probably the happiest memory I had. 

"Oh, that sounds fun! I didn't know you were into sports."

I laugh. "I'm not. I mean, look at me!" I gesture to myself and my lack of muscles.

She gives a small laugh, but tilts her side to the side and reaches her arm out. She gives a few tentative squeezes on my biceps. "I dunno, I feel muscle there."

I can feel the heat rush to my face as it flushes. I race to think of how to change the subject. Without thinking, I blurt out, "I remembered something terrible, though." Of course, I had remembered a few unpleasant things, but I didn't want to share any of them.

Her faces instantly twists into a concerned expression. "What is it?"

"Uh..." I scramble to think of something.

"Spencer. You trust me, don't you?"

"No, it's not that," I quickly say. "it's just...."

"It could help," she quietly says, making me glance over. "To talk about it."

I think about it carefully, pull the car over. This isn't casual chatter.

"I'm not sure when it was...but I remember everything so vividly." I tell her everything I remember about Tobias Hankel.

By the time I'm finished, her eyes are watery, but she's silent, and just stares at me. I see a mix of concern, sympathy, and hurt in her eyes. She's hurt for me?

"Spencer, I had no idea..."

"Neither did I, until a few days ago..." I fight back tears at the horrible memory.

She wraps her arms around me, comforting me. She always knows how to make me feel better.

~~~~~ . : . ~~~~~

"So what do you want to do first?" I ask happily, having pushed everything from earlier in the back of my mind. "After all, this trip is for you." I smile, loving the blissful expression on her face.

"Well..." She opens the trunk and pulls out two full duffel bags. "I thought I could show you the wonders of snow," she says as she tosses a bag.

I give her a questioning look and open the bag, peeking inside. I give a dramatic sigh, even though I'm smiling. "Are you serious?"

She nods and gives a little hop.

"But I don't even know how-"

"I'll teach you! C'mon!"

~~~~~ . : . ~~~~~

"Natalie? Natalie! Natalie!"

"Spencer, relax. You're not even moving."

I look around in embarrassment. "Well, it felt like I was moving," I mumble.

"We're on the bunny hill," she giggles as a toddler waddles past.

"These things aren't even safe," I mutter as I lose my balance.

She extends her hand down to me. "Skiing is fun and easy, once you know the basics. Here, I'll help you."

Once I'm back up, she shifts her skis into a triangle shape. "Do this. It's called a snow plow, it slows you down."

"I'm doing it!" I exclaim proudly.

"Great! Think you could ride a lift?"

~~~~~ . : . ~~~~~

"Sorry. I'm sorry," I repeat to the man operating the lift, brushing snow off myself. He stopped the lift so I could get up.

Once we get on the chair lift, I give a sheepish smile to Natalie. I can tell she's muffling giggles.

"What? It's more difficult than it looks," I defend myself.

"Sorry. You're just so cute," she says in between laughs.

"Cute? You mean like a kid?" I laugh.

Her laughing dies down, but her smile remains. "Kind of, yeah. I like it."

I fall again getting off the lift. But the view from the top is breathtaking.

"It's already sunset?" I ask in disappointment.

"No, don't worry. The sunsets are the best part. I'm just glad I'm spending it with you. We're going until they close; night skiing is awesome."

The soft tones of pink, purple, and orange light up her face beautifully. The mountains and trees frosted with snow decorate the distance. Being here, with her, surrounded by such beauty and bliss, and doing her favorite activity, I couldn't have asked for anything more.

"Today was perfect," I quietly say, unable to take my gaze away from her eyes.

She slowly closes her eyes and leans toward me. I have no control over my body; I close my eyes and lean in, too.

Our lips meet softly. There are no words for this except perfection.

Short chapter. I didn’t feel like dragging everything out and pretty much repeating myself.
Anyway...did ya like their date? Do you ship 'em? I do. I think after all the grief I put Reid through, he deserves to be happy for a bit. :3 So, Spencalie? Lol, I suck at coming up with couple names.

Oh, and don't worry, I don't write make-out scenes. Sorry if you like that stuff. xD 
Just thought this chapter would be a nice break from the mood of the others. 

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