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School was going great for Delphi until a substitute tried to kill her best friend. In fact, it had been going great, which was unusual for a kid like her.
Delphi had just finished math and headed out the door when she ran into her best friend, Dylan. He smiled shakily, as he always did, then stuttered, "Oh he,hey Delphi." Dylan wasn't the most confident person in the world. Always shaky, like he was being hunted. She patted him on the shoulder, and they headed off for science together.
Meleva Middle School seemed like the kind of place you put a psychotic lunatic in a strait jacket in. Steel bars guarded all the windows, yet the walls were all padded. This made it the perfect place for kids to get shoved against walls, and a lot of other stuff that probably shouldn't happen in a middle school. The intimidating layout actually seemed appropriate for the students. Most seemed like brainless brutes, who beat each other up in the hallway to express their feelings.
Dylan and Dylan and made their way through the hallway ducking and dodging possible danger zones as they had learned to the last two years. Being in eighth grade, they only had one more year until they left this literal prison. Finally they reached the open science door and slid inside.
Strangely, the teacher wasn't there. Instead, sat the largest man Delphi had ever seen. He sat in his chair, at least seven feet tall, with the bulk to match. He wore a large, but tight sports jacket and sunglasses that hid his eyes from view. On the board, he had written, "Mr. C". Delphi gave Dylan a strange look like, "What do we did?" Dylan simply shrugged, but looked more nervous than usual. A few kids had beat them there, and where already in their seats. More were pouring in from the crowded hallway, so Delphi decided to sit down. Luckily, she sat right next to Dylan. They sat down together. Not long after, the room was crowded, and the substitute stood up. "All children sit!" He said with a deep accent Delphi didn't recognize. Everyone took their seats, and substitute moved out to stand I front of the class. "Your teacher not here today. I will teach. Get out books." A few students rolled their eyes.
The assignment was pretty boring. Delphi filled out a worksheet about the rock cycle, which Delphi didn't really even know about. She finished pretty fast, then looked over at Dylan.
Something was seriously wrong with that kid. He was tried to do his work, while looking up at the sub every few seconds. His fingers were tapping rapidly, and he seemed tense. Delphi placed a hand gently on his shoulder, and whispered, "Dylan!" He jerked his head to look at her. He had sweat beading on his forehead, and a wild look in his eye. His eyes. That's right. That's how to calm him down. Delphi took a deep breath and looked deep into Dylan's eyes with her hand placed gently on his arm. Their eyes locked for a moment full of tension, then he broke. He took a deep breathe, and seemed to relax. His wild look faded and his eyelids even dropped a little. When his eyes seemed a little glazed over, she let go. A little bit of his energy came back in, but he didn't look so...crazy. He smiled at her a little, and said, "thanks."
Delphi had a small gift for that. If someone looked into her dark brown eyes even fit a moment, seemed to calm down. When she tried, and their eyes locked, it seemed even more effective. She tried to avoid it though, being as energetic as she was. Her mom called her a little ray of sunshine. Delphi looked nothing like her mom. Her mom was a blue eyed blonde. Delphi was about the opposite, with rich, dark brown hair that went past her shoulders. Her eyes seemed almost black, but it was hard to tell.
Now she looked at Dylan. "What's up?" She asked him with concerned tone. He gave a nervous glance at the sub, who was scanning the room. His head suddenly jerked over to face them. Dylan gulped, and the substitute leaned forward toward them. Suddenly he reared his head up, with his nose in the air, and began smelling the air. He did this for a few seconds, then a smile slowly spread across his face. He mumbled something under his breath, that sounded to Delphi like, "Goth smell dead pod." Apparently, Dylan had heard a lot better, because he let out a small yelp. Under his breath, he whispered to Delphi, "Do not move. Be ready to run. Trust me." This confused Delphi. Why should she run? Who were they running from?
Suddenly, Mr. C stood up, still looking in their direction, and said, "Adelephine Staner. Come with me." Delphi froze. She had never told him her name. Suddenly, Dylan, didn't seem so crazy. As if reading her mind, Dylan stood up and pleaded, "Oh Mr. C, please. I don't think you understand-" The substitute simply grabbed his stomach in a mighty laugh, and replied, "Oh, protector. Little too late."
In a flash, the large man side stepped and lunged at her. Delphi's reflexes kicked in, and she rolled under a nearby desk, landing on her feet.
Mr. C stood up, and a few students gasped. His glasses had fallen off, to reveal one large eye in the middle if his forehead. "Cyclops." The word that Delphi barely knew slipped out of her mouth. He snarled in rage, then picked up a nearby desk. He held it over his head to take aim. Delphi ran through the rows of desks as he threw it. At the last moment, she threw my body back and slip under a table as the desk flew her my head and hit a wall. Then she ran to a nearby window, and remembered the bars that barricaded the exit. The window had seemed much closer than the door, and Delphi knew that Mr. Cyclops couldn't fit through the narrow escape. But now her plan was spoiled by these rusty pieces of metal. She shook the bars for a moment, but they didn't budge.
Delphi turned around, and saw that Mr. C had her cornered, and another desk ready in hand. In the far corner, the students all huddled together, yet Delphi didn't see Dylan. She focused back on my problem, which was to say the giant man with one eye trying to kill her. He laughed, and took aim. "You will be delicious, demigod. Do not worry. To my stomach, it will not be in vain." As Delphi prepared to get flattened, suddenly from behind, she saw Dylan. He ran through the aisle, then jumped on a desk and onto the Cyclopes' back. He immediately dropped the desk, and began trying to wrench the small boy off of his back. Delphi took advantage of the distraction. She ran over to the door and opened it. "Dylan!" I called. He quickly let go , and hit the floor running. Then together, they ran out the door.

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