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Soon Delphi and Dylan where outside the school. Delphi tried catching her breathe, still comprehending what had happened. Dylan was going through a small backpack, looking for an unknown. As soon as Delphi had caught her breathe and was looking up to join him, he triumphantly pulled out a water bottle and a gold coin. "Follow me!" He called, then ran over to a small area of concrete. He opened the water bottle, and began pouring the water out, forming a small puddle.
"What the heck are you doing?" Delphi asked. Dylan simply poured out the last of the water, then turned to her and said, "I'm contacting camp. They found you earlier than we expected." Delphi, now puzzled, watched as he threw the coin into the puddle and chanted, "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, show me Will Solace."
Suddenly, the coin faded and an image appeared on the water. It was a teenaged guy, looking about seven-teen. He looked like a surfer, with short cut blonde hair, a bronze tan, and a decent build. He was looking down at the water, not seeming to notice them. Then he squinted, and Dylan called, "Will!" The guy, Will, jumped back, and disappeared from the picture. He ran back up, and smiling with a wild look in his eye, and said, "Dylan, man, what's up? Why are you appearing in my cup, in the middle of lunch?" A few other kids in matching orange shirts appeared around him, smiling and making funny faces."
Dylan sighed and said, "They found the demigod I've been watching before we expected it. Let's just say that our substitute had one less eye than we thought." Will turned his gaze away from Dylan and onto Delphi. "So, your the one Dylan's been watching? He asked with a small side grin. Delphi was kind of tired of all the craziness that hap happened in the last hour and really didn't feel like making friends at the moment. She gave a small smile and said, "Well, I thought we were friends. I didn't quite know I was being stalked." Will have a small laugh, as Dylan turned a light shade of red. He interrupted, "Anyway, we need someone to come pick us up." Will sighed and said, "Ok. We'll send out a team of Pegasus to pick you two up." Dylan thanked him, and the image faded. The words "demigod", and "pegasus" buzzed in Delphi's head. Dylan calmly walked away, putting the water bottle back in his bag. It almost made Delphi mad how calm he was. Dylan was the most nervous person she knew, and she could always talk to him. Yet now, for some reason, this seemed completely normal. The fact that the guy named Will had also said that Dylan was "watching" her had was also bothering her. She didn't feel like she knew him as well as she had thought she did.
"So, this is all just a dream, right? I mean, a cyclops, Pegasus, magic water portals, it can't be real." Delphi said. Dylan only gave a small shrug and said, "Sorry Delphi. This is all real. When you get to camp, they'll explain more, but I guess I can start you out while we wait." He paused for a moment, figuring out where to start. "So, you know the Greek gods in mythology?" Delphi nodded. Of course she knew the basics: Zeus, Aphrodite, Hades. The gods that they worshiped in ancient times. Dylan continued, "Well, they are real. They live on Olympus, which is now on the Empire State Building, and every once and a while, they come down to earth and fall in love with a mortal." Delphi let this sink in, as faint information flooded her head. "Wait, but they called me a demigod. In old stories, went demigods like half-god, half-human?" Dylan replied, "Yah. When the gods have a child with a mortal, they are called demigods. You are one of these."
They sat in painful silence for a moment. Delphi couldn't believe it. She stuttered, "So, you're saying my dad, is God!" Dylan went pale and quickly replied, "Well not THE God, but one of the gods. Like, Ares, Hephestus,-" "Apollo?" Delphi blurted out.
From what little she knew about Greek mythology, Apollo was the God of the sun. Also medicine, healing, music." Something about that felt right to her. She had always felt connected to music, and wanted to maybe be a nurse when she grew up. She didn't know why, but if her dad had to be one of those gods, Apollo felt right.
Dylan nodded, "Ya, maybe your dad is Apollo. At camp, you'll get claimed and know for sure." Suddenly, a dark smudge appeared in the sky that she hadn't noticed before. It slowly got bigger, closer. She was soon able to recognize two horses, both with a rider. The horses had wings, so technically pegasus. They landed in a grassy field near them, and together Dylan and Delphi ran to them. One pegausus was dark, and the other was a pure white. The two guys riding them were obviously twins, looking completely identical. They had curly brown hair, and looked elvish, and had a dangerous look in their eyes. Something about them told Delphi to keep her wallet close and in check. One slipped of of the horse and jokingly bowed. Then he looked up, and with one eyebrow raised, said, "Did someone need a rescue mission?"


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