Chapter 6

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Tommy opened the door. It creaked loudly as it opened, and sounded like it was gonna break off the hooks. That door also looked very old compared to the inside.

It was so nice and clean on inside compared to the out. That boy must've taken care of this home for a long time.

When Tommy took a step inside, the smell of butter and pancakes smacked him. It smelt so good. Was that boy cooking? If he was, he was really good at it.

Tommy walked into the house and towards the kitchen. You could hear an old radio playing the song Twist and Shout, by The Beatles, on the counter. It was a very classic song that Wilbur liked a lot. Wilbur would often blast old songs throughout the house on Sundays.

That ghost boy was humming along to the song while he was looking for some syrup in the fridge. Tommy could hear the boy humming and almost singing along with it. It must be one of his favorite songs.

"Hello?" Tommy said quietly, not loud enough for the boy to hear.

Tommy turned the corner and saw the translucent boy. The light from the windows, that were all over the kitchen, shown down on him and made it so you could see through him. It was so weird to see him like that, but it also memorized Tommy at the same time.

"Hello?" Tommy said, a little louder now.

The boy jumped a little bit when he heard his voice. The boy slowly turned around and almost jumped out of his socks when he saw Tommy.

"Ahhh!" The boy yelled, knocking the pan on the stove over and onto the floor, spilling pancake batter everywhere.

"S-sorry!" Tommy said quickly, running over and cleaning up the mess of pancake batter on the floor. "I-I didn't mean to scare you like that..."

The boy grabbed his chest and breathed heavily. "I didn't expect you to be behind me at all."

"...sorry..." Tommy mumbled to himself, his hand burning from the hot pancake batter.

The boy bent down and helped Tommy pick the food up. "You're alright, Big Man. It was just a little scare."

"I feel really bad though." Tommy said as he placed the pan back in the counter, and the pancake batter into the trash. "You lost your breakfast."

"I can make more." The boy smiled.

Tommy snapped back into reality. He was having a normal conversation with a ghost. It was so weird. How did he switch from scared to helping so fast? It felt so normal to talk to him, yet they are both different.

When Tommy had realized that, he almost dropped some stuff he was holding.

The boy looked over at him. "It's weird, isn't it?" Tommy looked over at him while he kept talking. "You're talking to me as if it is normal."

Tommy opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He could hear his heart pounding in his chest. He didn't know if it was from fear, or curiosity.

Tommy thought to himself a little bit before talking. "A-are you really a ghost?" He asked.

The boy slightly smiled. "Yeah..." he said a little quietly. "Weird...right?"

"Sort of." Tommy rubbed his arm. "I've never really met someone that's...dead." He tried to joke a little bit.

The boy let out a little breathy laugh. "My name is Toby." He smiled.

Tommy looked at him for a little bit and smiled back. "I'm Tommy. It's nice to meet you."

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