Chapter 19

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The feeling of warmth and softness surrounded Tommy as he started to wake up. His body was sore and in pain.

The sound of beeping woke Tommy up. He opened his eyes and saw that he was in a room that he wasn't familiar with. He tried to look around, but he was too sore to do anything. It felt like a bunch of tiny needles were sticking in his skin and making him uncomfortable.

"Tommy?" A voice said.

Tommy looked to his side and saw Techno standing at the door. Was he in a hospital?

"Te-Techno..?" Tommy quietly said, his body in more pain than ever.

Tears came to his brother's eyes. "Tommy!" Techno ran to the bed, kneeling down beside the hospital bed, and gently placed his head on Tommy's chest.

"Are we at the hospital?" Tommy asked, very tired. "How did I get here?"

Techno looked up and Tommy saw his eyes. His eyes were bloodshot red and puffy, he had been crying. Tears of relief and joy had filled his eyes, he looked so happy to see his youngest brother.

"Y-you fell into a fire." Techno said, placing his hand on top of Tommy's. "You snuck out of the house and the firefighters found inside a burning building. Pete, dad's friend recognized you and immediately called us once you were placed in the ambulance. Me and Wilbur were so...worried..."

The boy felt tears form in his eyes as he remembered about Toby. He had forgotten that his best friend had finally went to rest after 60 years of waiting. He had forgotten that he had to say goodbye.

"M-my friend..." Tommy said, tears rolling down his cheeks. "He was in that fire..."

Techno looked at him with worried eyes. "Tommy...there was no else in that house, you were the only one."

Shock filled the golden haired boy's body. He didn't know how to react at all. He could feel himself start to hyperventilate, but his throat was closed up from the smoke. Tommy tried to breath, but he was starting to sob instead.

Tommy went to sit up, but his body was too sore and in too much pain. He noticed all of the bandages covering his arms and hands. He must've been burned much more than he thought he was.

Techno stood up and pushed his brother to lay back down on the bed. His hand was gently placed on Tommy's shoulder, but it was still in pain. The boy winced and pulled his body away.

"S-sorrry!" Techno said, you could tell that he felt bad. "Just relax. Lay back down and don't try to move that much."

Tommy didn't want to do what his brother said. He wanted to go back to the house. He wanted to see if what he saw was real. Maybe the house was still there. Maybe he was still dreaming.

"Tommy!" Wilbur's voice came from the door.

Tommy and Techno jumped at Wilbur's yell. The younger twin ran over and hugged Tommy, the boy winced from the pain. Techno grabbed Wilbur and pulled him away, trying to keep his younger brother from getting hurt more.

"I was so scared!" Wilbur said, trying to push his brother away. "I thought you were gonna die!"

Tommy didn't speak, he didn't want to.

"Wilbur, you're gonna hurt him." Techno spoke, gettin this twin off of him. "Just give him a bit of rest."

Wilbur looked over at his brother. He softly let go of Tommy and backed away. A doctor called from the hallway, wanting one of the two brothers to come out to the hall. Wilbur walked out to go talk with the doctor, leaving Techno and Tommy alone once again.

Tommy just stared at the door. He could feel a pressure build behind his eyes. He just wanted to run out that door and go see Toby's house. He wanted to see if there was anything left.

Tears started to run down his cheeks. To keep himself from sobbing, he bit his lip, but Techno still noticed.

"Tommy? What's wrong?" Techno asked, gently placing his hand on Tommy's head.

The golden haired boy let out a small sob, looking up at Techno. "M-my friend...he lived in that house and I was forced to say goodbye to him." He sat back up and placed his head in his hands. "I want him back! I want my best friend back!"

Techno sighed and sat down on he bed. He pulled his brother into a gentle hug and they just sat there. It was only them and the sound of Tommy's sobs. Techno placed his head on Tommy's, keeping his brother safe.

"Don't worry, I'm here."

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