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vhackerr hey

504.1k likes 1.1k comments 290 shares

user has all of us so whipped pls-

masonnn This what we doin now??

masonnn Get out of my room. Never inviting u over again.
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aaronhull smooth dude

sunnysuljic: fuck boy of you ask me

user hes so pretty

user y'all are missing the point..he's in MASONS room rn

user he gets hotter everyday how
>masonnn IKR!!


mason set in her bed waiting for vinnie to come back over for the second time today. minutes felt like hours to her after seeing his tiktok. a while later mason could hear somebody typing on the keypad outside of her door before it opened.

"hey mason," it was vinnie. he walked over to her bed and sat in it with her for a while with a comfortable silence. he could tell she was tired and needy. it was radiating off of her, probably from their fight earlier.

"hey, i think im gonna go take a shower. dont leave please" she rasped out, grabbing a pair of boxers and a tank from her drawer

mason sat in the shower for about 30 minutes, it cleared her head up a little. she didn't walk back into her room for at least another 10. her and vinnie hadn't been this close since before she had left LA for Houston. she was never the type to get nervous, but she was beyond anxious right now.

when she did finally walk out, vinnie was now shirtless thanks to the lack of air conditioning in the newly-bought apartment. it caught mason off guard, causing her breath to hitch in her throat. she laid down in the bed next to vinnie, her heart beating out of her chest.

she turned over to look at him, one of hand tucked behind his head and the other holding his phone. his sweats sat low on his hips, exposing his v-line. the boys' tounge peeked over his lips, and in that moment, mason felt butterflies in her stomach.

she could only think about one thing while she laid next to vinnie, unable to focus on the movie he had put on prior to her shower. mason became hyper-aware of any moment the boy made, peeking out of the corner of her eye anytime he'd move his legs or brush his hair back. mason wasn't exactly experienced. everyone thought she was, but in reality she'd just been waiting for the right person, and the thought of sharing her experience with vinnie made her feel safe.

her inner monologues were quickly interrupted by him shifting once again, accidently grazing her bare thigh with his large hand, "oh my bad,"

mason tensed under his touch, an unusually feeling in her stomach. vinnie couldn't see what his touch did to mason, and it drove her insane.

vinnie could feel the burn from masons' stare on his face so he averted his gaze away from the movie to stare back at her, "why are you staring at me so hard mason?" he asked letting out a low chuckle, and in the dimness of her red room, it seemed like he was blushing.

"sorry" she mumbled. the room was so thick with sexual tension as they stared at eachother. they could both feel it.

"I love you mason. I think I've loved you for a while now but um like didn't know how to tell you. So I'm telling you now" he blurted out abruptly.

"I think I love you too vinnie. there's no one else I'd want to be my boyfriend," she responded never breaking their eye contact.

"I'd love to be your boyfriend" he responded, bringing her hand up to his lips, leaving a light kiss on them. the two were silent for a while.

vinnie blew out a breath before speaking, "i really wanna kiss you right now." he spoke boldly. it was his thing. he could see masons facial expressions totally change.

"then do it."

he kissed her with aggression and neediness as she straddled his lap while he attacked her neck with his lips and tounge. he then turns them, pinning her body onto the mattress. his hands working their way down her body and to the cute boxers she wore. his eye's trailed up to hers, "can i..." he trailed off, mason nodded. but he stopped again, "mason are you sure-" she groaned.

"vinnie, im one hundred percent sure." she reassured him. vinnie knew she was a virgin, he also knew she was scared shitless and wanted to make this enjoyable for her.

he then grabbed the sides, and takes them off her legs. his eyes gazed her body with pure admiration. he kissed her again before going down where she needed him most. he kissed her heat and licked a long strip, making mason buck her hips.

"stay still mays" he wraps his arms around her hips successfully pinning her down. and in that moment he made a vow to finish what he started at noah's.



yall want me to finish..


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