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mason sat on the couch with troy in silence. neither of them even acknowledging why troy was there in the first place, but that was just their friendship.

the two teens sat there for what seemed like hours, mason resting her head on the boys' lap until one of them would eventually break the silence.

"mason, you're clearly falling asleep, do you want me to take you to your room?" troy asked the groggy girl, shifting her head from his lap so they were making eye contact. "uh y-yeah, please." she responded in her faded state.

troy carried her bridal style through the dark apartment like the used to always do; pre-drama. mason wrapped her arms around troy's neck, burrying her head into the crook of his neck, slowing heading towards the led-lit room.

troy carefully placed the girl down on the bed trying his best not to hurt her, which he failed at "ow! fuck you, troy!"

"sorry, sorry," he whispered to her, trying not to laugh at almost throwing her on the bed, "it's getting kinda late so i think i'm gonna go home-"

"please dont, troy. can you stay with me?" mason asked, giving him that look she knew he couldn't say no to, even through the dim, red lights.

"are you sure?" troy asked, mason nodded, "you can sleep right next to me, here." she said, scooting over in the large white bed to make space for the older boy.

he took his shirt off and laid in the bed next to mason, backs facing each-other at first, but slowly snuggling closer as the night went on. "troy," mason started, "mhm?" he said through tiredness, "thank you for staying, i really can't be alone right now." she finished, turning to face towards the brunnete. they were so, so close and the tension was beyond thick.

"anything for you," he whispered back to her, licking his lips, "can i kiss you?" troy asked desperately, filled with relief when the girl nodded.

he leaned in, lips quickly meeting mason's, hands trailing up her back towards her neck to bring her impossibly closer to him. mason swung her left leg over troy's to straddle him, never breaking the kiss.

she let out a whimper when troy pulled away, "a-are you sure mason?" he asked through soft pants, "yes, troy oh my god." the girl responded breathless, reconnecting their lips.

a groan left troy's lips as he roamed my body needily. he softly switched my position on top of him so i was now underneath him. his right hand held my cheek carefully caressing it, while his left hand came down to remove my shorts. "fuck, mason" he whimpered in my ear.

he used one of his hands to hold my waist down, and the other massaged my breast. his head hung low as he let out soft groans in my ear while i grinded myself against his clothed bulge making him let out a whimper.

he leaned back, removing his shorts and boxers in a quick motion, but somehow agonizingly slow. i leaned up infront of him helping him remove his boxers before he gently placed me back on the bed making me roll my eyes, "patience baby, patience."

his eyes focused on mine, almost burning through my soul, "are you sure, mason" he questioned again

"yes. fuck, troy. yes please."

his lips latched onto my neck, sucking harshly. definitely leaving a mark i'd  have to explain later. he climbed back on top of me, leaving sloppy kisses on my collar bone, while his fingers carefully traced over the waistband of my underwear, "open your legs for me baby, keep them open." he said lustfully.

the cold air grazed my heat, causing my whole body to tense up and eyes to close shut while troy rubbed soft circles on my clit. he moved back up, supporting himself with his arm before lining himself up with my entrance. he moved his tip up and down against my slit before pushing himself fully in. he let out a deep groan as my walls clenched around him.

Troy was handsome, he had the prettiest face with the most gorgeous eyes, it was hard not to look at him.

but the way he looked so fucked out, his tip kissing her cervix so perfectly as he thrust so deeply inside, hitting every spot that it's making the girl see stars, he could not have looked better than he has at this moment.

"m' so fuckin deep, feel me baby?" he whined, grinding into her, eyes low while he pressed slightly on her stomach— herr thighs were shaking and sticky mixed with his and her cum, pussy clenching around him over and over again.

mason's soft fingers find their way to his face, gripping the side of his jaw, earning a pretty whimper from his puffy wet lips. " youre so handsome b-baby ... fucking me so good. " pulling him into a desperate kiss as the praises that spilling from her mouth has him falling over the edge.

lost in how wet and warm she felt around him and the sounds of her pleas and whines Troy couldn't help but change the angle, pinning her down and pushing both of her legs further back burying himself deeper inside of her and causing her to moan in shock from feeling the familiar knot in the pit of her stomach close to snapping.

"mat s'too much " she squealed, hands gripping the sheets with every thrust, thighs shaking from the pleasure. rubbing her swollen clit and the tip of his dick abusing the sensitive spot deep inside of her repeatedly had tears falling from her eyes. " f..fuck, it's okay pretty let go f'me.." thrusting into her deeper, her feel the knot in her stomach unravel. arousal wetting Troy's lower half, eliciting a whine from him as he tenses, as he pumped her full of cum, each spurt of his thick load coating her throbbing walls.

the sensation of both bodies going limp, both of them still catching their breath as he peppered wet kisses on her neck, eyes locked on each other. troy's hair clung to his forehead as his gaze remained lowered, his lips swollen and crimson, while his face was adorned with a subtle.

but that's why she loved missionary. 

i turned over with what little strength i had in my body, sweating as the realization sunk in,

i just fucked troy zarba.

troy opened his mouth to speak, but shut it quickly at a loss for words.

"we will never speak of this, okay? let's just sleep now" i whimpered to him, moving my back side to cuddle up with him and drift off to sleep.

oh my god.



this was genuinely hard to write-

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