Chapter 7: Surprise

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Alex went into the office and Emery went to her interview. She ends up getting the competing hospital.

Emery works in the physical therapy office and dreams of having her place to run.

Her old department tries to sabotage her equipment and the patients are more upset and leave.

Alex works at his clinic.

She filed a police report about it.

"Hey Emery, I am sorry to hear about your work clinic."

"I just barely started and everyone is targeting us."

"Believe it or not I have gotten the same thing. It's terrible our old bosses want to have us get bad reputations in the public."

"Well, it is something I am used to. Hey about yesterday. I'll give you another chance."

"Really? Sweet because there is something I want to do for your birthday." He says to her.

"You know my birthday is on Christmas."

"I didn't but that is good to know."

"Do you have any plans for Christmas Alex?"

"Not really. You?"


"Well, come spend Christmas with me!"

"I can do that!"

Emery worked at her clinic and tried to build its reputation.

I always never thought love would take so much work. I wasn't sure if it was possible to love again.
After Thomas and I didn't work out and my heart shattered to pieces it felt hard to love again.

With Alex, I feel like we can see past our differences, and for once I feel safe. I feel more trust. I was even scared of men. The things Thomas did to me as his wife is uncalled for. I want my life with Alex. I want to help him be happy and I feel happy more so with him.

"Em, I am so sorry about the sabotage. How have things been with you and Alex?"

"I just feel disappointed with it. Things are well with me and Alex our relationship is fixed and for these months we have been dating for a while. I don't know if he would want to marry me. I do want to be with him all my life. I just don't want to push that on him and part of me isn't sure I am ready for that."

"Well, you have known him for 4 months and have been with him for 2 months now. I'm also sorry about your miscarriage I just can't even imagine."

"It's probably for the best. I don't think I am ready to be a mother yet."

"I can understand. Say if you ever know a guy you could set me up on a blind date with I would be game as long as he is not a jerk and is cute."

"I'll try my best."


Emery rolls her eyes and laughs.

She comes home and is with Alex.

"Hey, how was work?"

"Stressful but good. You?"

"It was pretty good! I enjoyed all my patients today and it is nice Thomas doesn't come there. Emma was there though I felt awkward seeing her considering she seems to dislike me and is so rude."

"Well, she has to get over herself because you are my perfect world." He tells Emery and kissed her.

"You are mine. If we were to get married I know we can work out because you are patient with me and I love you, Alex."

"I love you, Emery! I am so glad you would be down for the marriage."

Emery makes them dinner and Alex reads a book.

She goes all out.

"Why the fancy food?"

"Well it is your birthday tomorrow and my family does a feast. Wait there is something I forgot at Rosalie's so we need to go thereafter."

"Alright!" He says to her.

She sets the table and then after they eat she blindfolds him and guides Alex to the car.

"Why the blindfold?"

"You will see." She says with a grin on her face.

She drives him to Rosalie's and all of his friends and Rosalie hide.

She pulls up and parks and helps Alex out of the car.

She opens the door and has Alex take off the blindfold.

"Surprise!" They said as Alex and Emery turned on the lights and he jumped.

"Oh. Thank you!" He says startled and they all celebrate Alex.

"You are so clever, Emery!"

She gives a big grin and they have the cake ready.

*Do I really want to move in a new life again? What if I mess it up?*

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