Chapter 29

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Today, some of the graduating students will come to visit me at my cafe. Since college is almost over and their adulthood begins in less than 1 week, they have decided to come here and try it out first. 

I believe around 18 of them will be coming in today. And since my cafe won't be able to hold 18 workers without it getting crowded because there will be customers, also the counter will be crowded too.

I will have 9 of them come in the morning and after our lunch break, the other half will come and try it out for today. I have Andrew, Charlotte, and Quinn here to help me teach the students. 

They all won't be taught how to work the counter. I'll make them decide if any of them want to learn how to work the bar. Thanks to Rowan, I also had to learn as well just in case the bartender or barista needs help I can be able to help them.

Today I am wearing a long-sleeved baby blue blouse with a pair of light grey joggers with my white sneakers. I put my hair in a half-up half-down and clipped the top part with a hairclip.

I woke up earlier today so that we have time to teach them before we open the cafe. It's 8 in the morning at we open at 10. I hope that waking up early at 7 in the morning is worth it.

Quinn and I were the first to arrive so we turned everything on but kept the sign to close. Soon, we spot Charlotte and Andrew making their way inside. The guys would be bringing in the students in 30 minutes so we can get everything prepared.

I am thankful that Quinn also knows how to work the bar so she'll be teaching those who are willing to work over there. Charlotte will be teaching them how to bake certain things and Andrew will teach them how to work the counter.

I'll be keeping watch and help if someone looks like they're struggling and so will the guys. Soon we see a mob of senior college boys making their way towards us. Okay, let's do this.

"Hello everyone," Charlotte exclaims.

"Okay, first of all, everyone needs to wash their hands," I order. "Next, if anyone wishes to work at the bar please go over there and Quinn will teach you. You are all going to have to work the counter so we'll shift after 30 minutes. Some of you will need to learn how to bake so Charlotte will help you with that," I explain.


It's been 2 hours and we were supposed to open already but some of them are still struggling. So I decided to just close the cafe for today. "How are we doing over here?" I ask where Quinn is.

"Would you like a beer miss?" One of them asks.

I laugh and shake my head. "Thank you, but no. I don't drink. Keep it up guys you're doing great," I say and move to the cash registers. "And what about over here?" I ask Andrew.

"So, one of them pressed a button and I'm not sure how to fix it," Andrew says and turns the screen to face me. 

Great, they broke a cash register. "Just leave that one. I'll put a sign over it that says it's broken," I say and head to the back only to be met with Charlotte's loud laughter filling the kitchen. "Everyone doing okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, look we baked happy-faced cookies. And we made crepes!" She exclaims showing me the trays.

"Very good," I say and take a cookie before leaving back to the front. "Okay!" I yell gaining everyone's attention and the cafe automatically quiets down. "I will have some of the staff members come in to act as customers. You guys are to take their orders. We're putting you to the test so it's perfectly okay if you mess up because this is just pretending," I explain and everyone nods their heads. 

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