III. Unmatched

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Hero walks back across the field to where he had left his sister, Red. He takes his jacket and hangs it over his shoulder.

"You do know that's Dari's current best friend, right?" Red says while chewing bubble gum. "She'll kill you if she finds out"

"Please" Hero hisses, like how can she doubt his skills. He's way stronger than Dari and besides, he won't be caught. He's best on hiding his presence.

"What if the Lee Council catches you?"

The guy confidently shakes his head. "They're busy looking for any other wild vampires on the loose. They'll barely have time to watch over us"

Red rolls her eyes and chuckles. She can tell Hero is just craving for some action, hunting the next village isn't satisfying enough. Kims can be described as free spirited, even though they follow Lee's rules, they still get to do things they want to. And there's only two major things they love in this world: Blood and Fighting.

Ever since Winter Gate existed battles have become rare between the two clans. They still hate each other, but they don't settle it on the battlefield anymore like before, in fear that humans will find out about them.

"Well, atleast you got the good one" she says, acknowledging how delicious Jessica seems to be.

"Why? You got that Choi dude, didn't you?"

She made a screech sound on her throat. "That guy has his guard up so high, I can hardly make a move. He's got a crucifix in his car!"

Hero laughed. "Well he looks like a kind lad, anyway"

"Yeah. And besides I'm only trying to piss Bom off"

The two went inside the building side by side, and how sparkling they've become walking down the hallways like in a fashion week red carpet. Their schoolmate's eyes glued on them and jaws dropped open in awe. Both were so charismatic, hearts can't help not to flutter.

Although, a babe with the same blood-hair like Red, is seen standing at the end of the hallway, with her arms crossed over her chest looking at them as if they're roaches.

"Hey Bom-Bom" the Kim member greeted, stopping in front of her.

"How many times do I have to say stop calling me Bom-Bom"

"Guess you heard someone got to second base last Friday huh?"

Second base?

"Stay away from Simba, Red"

"Why? It's not like he's yours" she swings her hair and sexily caressed her hand through it. "And besides, he seems to have enjoyed it"

"Stay away if you don't want me to hurt you"

Red smirks and takes a step closer to Bom, leaving a few inches gap between their faces. "Me? I think it's you who's gonna get hurt, Bom-Bom. Seems you are right now. Why?"

Bom stayed put, not letting herself be affected by her words. She kept her face straight and high, staring at the girl's face intently.

"Wait... Is it because of the fact that Simba prefers to be with me? Because I'm sexy and can give him more fu---"

Bom pushes her away by the shoulders and about to follow it with a punch, but then a hand quickly stopped her from doing so. "Ya, this is not a place to fight" Dari says. "People are staring"

Altogether they looked around and indeed these students have been watching them all along, it's pretty unusual to see the gorgeous people in the campus having a conversation. Bom placed her hand down, and tried to stay calm.

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