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Full name: Izuku (First name) Midoriya-Shimura-Shigaraki (Last name)

Nickname: Izu (Mother and Father) Deku (Bakugou, past classmates, Uraraka) zuku (Tenko and Amaterasu) Zuzu (Amaterasu)

Gender: Male

Birthdate: July 15th

Age: 4-14 (At the beginning of the story will state his age)
15 (currently in ua high)

Height: 5'5 (15)

Blood type: O

Occupation: Student

Affiliation:    •    Ua high school
•Class 1-A

Class: 1-A

IQ: 550

Izukus Quirks data: Death eye mutation type ; Death eye is a mutation quirk that permanently turns users eyes red, it grants the user the ability to disintegrate/decay anything upon a look of the bare eye the user's quirk is not effective on a special transparent type of material so if the user were to look at anything made up of it, it would cancel the effect of the disintegration and the quirk grants the user the ability to see through things and the ability to activate 360 vision on command.

Side effects: The user's eyes are permanently red and while disintegrating things there eyes will glow a darker red.

Drawback: The user's bare eyes have to be looking at the thing and the user's eyes get dry if they disintegrate to many things. They have no control over what their eye disintegrate unless the material is canceling the effect. The user's quirk doesn't work on the user and other quirks that have to do with disintegrating/ decaying will cancel each other out.

Plant kingdom a mix of an emitter, transformation, and mutation type ; User can manipulate and control all plants (yes meaning food too), accelerate or regress the growth of any plant within its range of senses, and everything to do with them, plants can grow out there body and depending on the user's mood flowers grow out there hair randomly but they can control it the quirk also grants full nature manipulation they can control things like fire, lava, water, ice, snow, earth, light, darkness, shadows, gravity, air, wind, lightning, electricity, blood, illusions, smoke, stem, etc like sand, dirt, grass, acid, explosions, clouds and more they can also make sinkholes earth quacks control the weather change the temperature make storms, cause tsunamis or tornados and other things. Users can also create things like tools (swords for example) out of the elements or plants but also things like extra body parts and wings. The user can also grow things out of their body hints at the plants in hair. The user can also turn into any animal or plant that looks like the exact thing. Or transform into a type of gas, smoke, or liquid. It also grants the user a sixth sort of sense and other things.

Side effect: Animals are attracted to the user,flowers or other small plants grow out of their hair depending on their feelings, if emotions get out of control it can cause a storm or other minor things but nothing too severe the most is like a storm and the increase or decrease of plants life, also the users body has animal characteristics the user has sharp canine teeth that almost look like vampire teeth and nails can turn into retractable claws, this also changes the users stomach the user can eat raw meat or anything else and it will not affect the user and food poisoning doesn't affect them either, and at the same time the users body is kind of like a tree and takes on other plant characteristics the user absorbs carbon dioxide (CO2), removing and storing the carbon while releasing the oxygen back into the air and since the users body is used to it, it's not affected by it, user also goes through photosynthesis producing their own food only when it's needed, the user can produce all types of sap turn there skin into different kinds of bark and if the users original limbs are cut off they regrow but they still have a regular human body, bleed, and can feel pain. They can split themselves in half and not feel pain, branches occasionally grow out of the user's hair sometimes if they are thinking too hard/ overthinking. Thanks to that and the quirk the user always smells like some sweet kind of flower or plant and natural sugar sometimes even honey. User can speak in the animal / insect language and also being able to communicate with all forms of nature they are always willing to help the user. User's hair depending on the type is flows in a way like leaves in wind and it's softer than usual hair.

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