Chapter 2

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About 10 minutes later Andrea came with her black ford with everyone they all sat in the trunk while you sat in the passenger seat they all had black paint under their eyes and guns over their shoulder they all look kinda bad ass but you won't let Andrea know that cause you'll never here then end of it then.

As you get into the car you get a "what the fuck" look from Andrea.

"What?" You ask

"You're gonna fight in a black crop top and skinny jeans!?"

"Yeah? Why not?" You ask annoyed

"No I'm taken you to kian and jc's house for a make over'"

"Whatever" you sigh

You pull up in front of their's so big an nice you thought to yourself

"Okay Andrea you go make Y/N into badass Y/N" kian says

"I planed on it" Andrea said while smirking

So you walk into there hidden room and see an assortment of black clothing. You had to admit it was pretty cool.

"Okay wait they plan for shit?" You asked

"Yep they did kinda glad they did it now" Andrea says

You out on black spandex and a black silk shirt you kinda look like what katniss did in mocking jay.

"Much better Y/N now we need you to pick a gun"

You don't really know to much about guns but walked over and picked one up that said "AK47" on it

"Guess I'll take this one" you say

"Whatever floats your boat" Andrea said

You leave the hidden room and walk out and see kian and Jc staring at you.

"Andrea we told you to make her badass not hotter!" Jc cries

"Well to bad you can't fuck her because she likes girls" Andrea says

"Damn lets just go now" Jenn says highly irritated

"Someone's edger" kian said while smirking

You all get back into the truck and start driving.

"So what are we doing agin" you ask "we been driving for an hour and all we did was steal gas. You say

"Were just gonna look for people first" Jc says

"How many do we need we have enough" Jenn says

The car fell silent and then you guys stop cause kian had to pee. Andrea pulls over,to the side and you here screaming. You picked up your gun and start sprinting towards the sound.

You stop and see five beautiful girls trying to fight one of those things. They are having trouble and you see a small brunette get picked up by it you get scared. So you start shooting your gun at it

You don't know why but you feel like you should help them. You shoot it in the eye and it drops the girl and the tall Polynesian girl caught her.

You start walking away when you fell a little body jump on you.

"What the h-" you stop talking once you realized it was that beautiful girl you just saved

"Thanks for saving my life cutie" she says smirking at

"Y-you're w-welcome" you stutter great now she probably thinks your a dumbass.

"I'm camila" she says smiling brightly

"Y/N" you say she smirks. And your heart starts to beat fast. You see Andrea starts to come up to you guys and camila climbs off of you. And you Instantly missed her wrapped around you.

"Hey guys" Andrea says "do you guys wanna come with us.. I mean we have a truck and food but it up to you" she stated.

"Yes!" They all say with joy

"Okay it's right over there" Andrea points toward the truck and they all start walking over and so do you till you feel something pull on your arm. You turn around and felt someone's lips crash against yours.

"Thanks again" camila said smiling

You stood there was she walked away "what am I getting myself into" you mumble to yourself.

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