Chapter 8

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After kian buried Ally and Normani everyone said goodbyes and left. Except you, you just sat there you didn't want to leave them. You just sat their with tears in you're eyes mumbling stuff to them.

"I'm worried about her Andrea" Camila says to Andrea

"I know I am too, but I have something to tell her but after this I dint know If she'll be able to take it." Andrea says

"Why? What happened?" Camila asks why concern

"Uhh her family is dead" Andrea says

"WHAT!?" You say crying even more now. "Y/n wait!" Camila and Andrea say in unison. You didn't though you ran out and just started sprinting. After a while you just stop and went back to Ally and Normani's grave.

"Babe?.." Your girlfriend says walking towards you "can we talk?" She says. You just shake your head. Camila sits down beside you and grabs your hand and Intwines your fingers.

"Y/n..listen to me.. I'm so so so sorry" she says you just stare at her. "Babe I want you to get better though please just try to get better for me for us" "y/n seriously talk to m-" you cut Camila off by kissing her on the lips.

"I love you" you say "Wait..I'm sorry! I-i just I do and I couldn't hel-" she cut you off by putting her band on your mouth. "I love you too y/n" Camila says smiling

You guys started to kiss when you hear screaming and gun shots. You pull away quickly and don't think twice. You just stand up and run to the front of the cabin. You see that a grey has Dinah and everyone is trying to free her. You run up and stab it in the leg. It drops Dinah and you catch her and run away from it while everyone else kills it.

"Thank you y/n" Dinah whispers in your ear you out her down and she Hugs you. You hug her back then before you know she forcefully presses her lips against yours. You try to pull and away but she tightens her grip on your waist.

"Dinah what the fuck?" You heard you girlfriend scream. Camila walks up to Dinah and it looks like she's about to punch her. You quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her into a hug from behind.

"Babe calm down please" you whisper to her softly. She does what you says and you let go of her. You're mad at Dinah for kissing you. You were thinking about everything. When you heard dinah shout "mila! Sto-" Camila punch Dinah on her jaw. You quickly go grab your girlfriends hands and start to drag her away. "I'm sorry dinah" you say

You start to drag Camila now walking back to the cabin now that the sun is completely set. When you heard Camila shout back saying "that's what you get for trying to steal my girlfriend away" you just ignore it and continue to drag her.

2 hours later

"Camila I'm so-"
"no I'm sorry, I shouldn't have punched you" camila says
"No it's okay I did deserve it I shouldn't have kissed y/n"
Dinah leaves to go look for you. She walks out the cabin and sees you sitting at Ally And Normani's grave. She walks up to you and sits beside you.

"Hey" you say
"Hey listen y/n" she says "I'm sorry I knew is shouldn't have kissed you I'm sorry I just I just I like you a lot." Dinah says

You just sit there in silence to shocked to say anything I mean one of your friends just confessed there love for you. Dinah says sorry agains and gets up and leaves. You still in shock.

You lay Dow. Next to the grave and close your eyes cause you have a headache. And before you knew it you fell asleep, but quickly woke up when you felt rain hit you. You run into the cabin and see your girlfriend sleeping on the couch.

You walk up to her and kiss her forehead and say "I love you" and start to walk away but you felt arms warp around your waist " I love you too" she says she kisses you then you guys cuddle on the couch watching Tammy. Camila fell asleep in the middle of it so you decide to turn it off and go to sleep to until you felt the house shake then loud knocking and foot steps outside the door.

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