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Sweat. I could feel it running down my face. It made it's descend slowly dripping into my eyes. I winced at the sting, but kept going. As much as I did this, I should be used to it. I lost myself in my runs trying to run out all my problems. My latest problem: my dad is moving us back to Mystic Falls. I didn't want to go back there. For the eight years that I lived there, I was "tortured". When we moved I was eight and chubby. Not the cute chubby I was fat. I thought I was normal size. My parents adored me but a group of girls at my school didn't. They were all two years older than me, and they made fun of my weight. When I got older I vowed to get revenge on Elena Gilbert. She was the one that started the bullying and got her friends Caroline and Bonnie to help. I made peace with moving back to Mystic Falls. I rubbed away the sweat and took a deep breathe. I started my walk home waving at people I knew. Nobody judged me here. Maybe because no one knew of my illness. My dad looked at me as I walked in. He knew I hated Mystic Falls. A month before we moved a tragedy hit our family. My mom died in a fire. The building she worked in caught on fire and she stayed behind to help people out. The building collapsed with her in it. My mom and I had been having problems before all of that happened. She thought I was a sociopath at the age of 8. She didn't even tell my dad what she was doing. She took me to this doctor and he "found" my disease. I was classified as crazy. My dad went crazy when he found out.



"She's crazy! You haven't noticed?!"

"She's not crazy!"

"She's a sociopath, Dan. You clearly don't spend enough time with her!"

"I don't care, Marsha! Callie is just a child! How do they know she's a sociopath?!"

Eight year old me watched the scene with wide eyes. Apparently, I was crazy and needed to be put into a mental home. What had I done to her? Nothing. I narrowed my eyes at the back of her head. Her time will come."

Flashback Over

I was put on this medicine that kept me from "going" crazy. In my mind, I knew something was off. I wasn't like other people. I couldn't grieve, feel remorse or guilt. I didn't get sad. My mom knew something was off with me and she tried to tell my dad. He wouldn't accept it and he treated me like a normal child. I appreciate him doing that, because after everyone found out I was treated differently. I walked to my room and stripped off the sweaty clothes. I started to pack with a smile on my face. It would do some good to get out of this town. After, Bethany went missing nothing was the same. She was my best friend and now she's gone. I couldn't even grieve for her. My caramel brown skin was smooth and my hips curved deliciously. I looked at my appearance in the mirror. My huge brown eyes were too big for my face giving me the "innocent" look. Ha! Me innocent? Yeah right! I cut the water on in the shower and took off my bra and panties. The hit water flowed over my body releasing my tense muscles. I thought about fire. That was something I thought about quite often. I was amazed by fire. It was so amazing and I found myself often mesmerized by it.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by my dad knocking on my door.

"Hold on!"


I quickly grabbed a towel and dried off. I cut of the water and pulled on an outfit. I opened the door and my dad walked in. I knew by the look on his face he wanted to talk. Ugh could my life get any worse?


Hey guys!!! My new story!! I hope you guys enjoy it. I need comments and votes to know if I should continue it. I love Ian Somerhalder you guys he is too hot. Omg his eyes *squeals* well that's about it! Thanks for reading!!!! Smooches!!!!!

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