The Move

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Some people say packing means a lot of things. Some say it means a new start, but others say it's a curse. What do I think? I think packing is irrelevant. Why am I packing stuff up when Daddy can just buy me more? Like I said, it's irrelevant. I wasn't packing anything. I didn't want to move so why do I have to pack?

I sat on the couch in my living room and turned on the TV. The Walking Dead was playing and it always made me think of Bethany. She was always obsessed with that show. It was a song that she would always listen to and I can't think of the name of it. Anyways, I haven't packed anything. I'm not packing, because I don't want to move. It was his idea so he should do the packing. I heard him walk into my room and he gave a loud sigh.

"Callie, why haven't you been packing?"

"I didn't want to move."


"I didn't want to move, therefore you should do all the packing."

He studied me for a little bit and took a deep breath.

"Why do you act like this, Callie?"

"Why do I act like what? Like I'm a sociopath, because that's what I am."

He was starting to get angry with me more and more by the second. My dad did not like to hear the word "sociopath" he didn't want to believe that his older daughter has a mental problem. I don't consider myself a person with mental problems but that's what all the doctors tell me.

Finally, after hours of us arguing he decides to hire a packing company. I took me bringing up how much mom hated me for him to finally hire someone.


I was sitting at my mom's desk watching her work. It was take your child to work day. I had told her repeatedly that I did not want to go. She made me go, anyway. My face was blank as I regarded everyone walk past.

"I'm going to the vending machine."

She didn't even spare me a glance as I got up and walked away from her. I got to the machine and realized that she didn't give me any money. I sighed in agitation and went to the bathroom. I pulled out the matches I had in my back pocket. I flicked the match against the piece of cardboard and watched the blue and orange flame flicker to life. I held it up to my hand and I felt it lick my hand. I grabbed a hand full of toilet paper and put it in the bin. The bin was already filled with paper towel. I blew the match out and got another one. Once it was lit, I threw it in the bin. At first, smoke emerged from it and then a small flame came up. I walked out of the bathroom with a smirk on my face.

Flashback Over

I watched as the movers had all our personal stuff packed and ready sooner than I thought. Tomorrow I'll be in Mystic Falls.


Hey guys!! Next chapter we will be introducing many important chapters!! Yay!! Well I have nothing else to say that's important so... Thanks for reading!!! Smooches!!!!

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