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Stefan Salvatore is Elena's ex boyfriend and Damon's younger brother. Somewhere he should have bitter blood with Elena. He does but he just doesn't know it yet. Yet. If you would break up with me I would have bad blood with you. Especially if you left me for my brother. I walked up to the Mikaelson household and knocked on the door. The door opened and a guy's head popped out.

"Who are you?"

His accent was rich and his forehead was crinkled. He was older than me that was for sure. My eyebrow raised as he took in my appearance.

"I'm here to see Rebekah."

His eyebrow raised as I stepped into the house. Without being invited I might add.

"I'm Elijah."


"Nice to meet you."

He grabbed my hand and pressed his lips against my knuckles. I almost blushed.

"The pleasure is mine."

He grabbed my arm and escorted me to upstair. Elijah pointed out all the pictures and told me the story behind them. I pretended to be interested in the history of the paintings but I really wasn't. Elijah's smooth voice and good looks kept me entertained. We (finally) made it to Rebekah's door.

"Well, I'll leave you here."

"Thank you so much for the tour, Elijah. I really enjoyed it."

He grinned at me. I smiled back at him and walked into Rebekah's room. I closed the door behind me. Rebekah was laying in her bed sleep. I stood at the foot of her bed for like one minute waiting. I'm a really impatient person. The covers were thrown off the bed as I propelled myself on the bed. I hit the bed with a giant swoosh as my body hit the bed. Rebekah let out a huge squeal with her blonde hair everywhere.

"Rebekah! Wake up!"

"What is wrong with you!?"

That's a question I ask different people everyday. What is wrong with me? Is it because of my "disease"? I thought for a second when I realized what was wrong with me. I'm really awesome.

"I'm freaking awesome."

"What's with all this incessant noise!?"

We all turned and looked at the door. Another one of Rebekah's brother was standing in the doorway. He was blonde and had pretty red lips. I almost swooned.

"Why who is this Rebekah?"

"I'm Cal-."

"Off limits."

Rebekah was literally at the door within seconds, closed it, and back in the bed. I watched with disinterest. She sat up on the bed with a shocked expression. Rebekah waited for me to say something.


"Did did-didn- didn't you just see that?"


"Then why aren't you reacting?'

" I already knew you were a vampire. I already know the Salvatore's are vampires. Caroline and Elena are vampires and Bonnie is a witch."

"What are you?"

"I'm a sociopath."


"Now, I need your assistance Rebekah."

I walked over to the window and pulled the curtains apart.

"With what?"

"I know you're on love with Stefan Salvatore."

"I-I no."

"Rebekah don't pretend. I see how you look at Stefan and how he gazes at you."

"What do you want?"

"I have some...problems with Elena Gilbert. I want to destroy her life. So we're going to start with you taking Stefan."

I took a moment to bask in my glory. My plan is foolproof and nobody would remember Elena Gilbert after this.

"What are you doing."

"Shh. I'm basking in my glory."


I hope you guys like this chapter. I don't think it's very good but at least it's an update!! Thanks for reading!!! Smooches!!!!

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