Old Enemies And (Possibly) A New Friend

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Elena Gilbert just walked into the establishment. Her flock of friends surrounded her like the black plague on fleas. She just knew she was all that from the way she flipped her hair and smiled at everyone. Bitch, no. Of course, all conceited people think that and they actually can back it up. Elena, however, can't. All she do is whine and jump from bed to bed between the Salvatore brothers. It's rather sickening that a person could be that whorish.

I took a big bite of my burger and watched as Elena and her "squad" made their way around talking to people. First of all, you can't even call that a squad because Caroline has been plotting on getting with Stefan (Elena's ex boyfriend) and Bonnie has a totally different motive for hanging out with Elena. I felt someone staring at me, it was so intense it kinda seemed like the person's eyes were raping me. I turned around and looked into the eyes of the devil herself. Elena.

She gave me this big smile that said I'm-An-Angel-Trust-Me. Oh hell no, I know this bitch isn't looking at me like that! I will whop her ass! So instead of unleashing the black girl that I am on her I gave her my most horrible glare. My glare said Bitch-If-You-Even-Approach-Me-I'll-Cut-Your-Neck-And-Won't-Feel-Bad-About-It-Because-I'm-A-Sociopath. I got out a lot of my feelings using that method. Then, the stupid girl decided to walk in my direction anyway! She sat at my table!

"What do you want?"

"I've noticed that you're new here and I wondered if you wanted a tourist?"

"No! Can you leave so I can finish my meal?"

"Wha-? Why are you so mean?"

"The girl asked you to leave, Elena. Maybe you should I don't know. Leave?"

I turned and saw Barbie. I thought she had left earlier. I acknowledged Rebekah (she had my respect now) and turned back to the nuisance in front of me.

"Why aren't you leaving? I clearly said that I wanted you to leave but you're still here! Don't you get the hint?! Nobody wants you here, Elena!"

The whole restaurant got quiet after my rant. They all waited for Elena's reaction. Hell, I was waiting too. She looked up at me and said,

"Why do you hate me?"

In that moment everything stopped for me. I don't know if it was Elena's stupidity or the vivid blue eyes I saw from across the room. My nose scrunched at the guy's eyes. I mean why were they so blue and vivid? They would be pretty but I thought they were ugly. I'm a sociopath and I don't have a conscience cut me some slack. My nose turned up at the guy who I dubbed "Wolf" (he has the eyes of a wolf) and I frowned at him. I could see the concern in his eyes for Elena and then a plan formulated in my mind.

"My name is, Callie. Do you remember me?"

The look in her eyes told me all I needed to know. I threw the money down on the table and I walked out like the boss that I am. With Rebekah following me.


Hey guys!!! I hope you like this chapter! I want you guys opinion on Callie! Tell me what you think of her pwease?? Thanks for reading!!!! Smooches!!!!!

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