Chapter 3:

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Elsa's point of view:
Now it's 5:30 and Taylor and I have agreed about the plan. I finish to get dressed and put my make up on. I look at my watch and it says 5:55. After 2 more minutes someone knocks at the door. Its him.
"Hey, you look pretty" He complements me. That asshole.
"Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself" i answer, blushing a bit. Why does he make me feel this way, I have to stop thiking about how he makes me feel when we kiss and when... my thoughts are cut when he speaks.
"Are you coming? Or you prefer to stay at the door all night?" He asks. And then I see that I haven't move from the door and he was already almost at the car. I follow him and he opens the door for me. Once in the car we start talking.
"What did you leave yesterday without telling me anything?" He asks a bit... concerned. Damn. He's so good at lying.
"I was tired and I couldn't find you" I lie.
"Oh" He says a bit unsure.
After 10 more minutes we are parking at the restaurant. There he orders my food, he knows me too well. I hope he can't see through my lies.
The date goes fine, we talk about about everything and at the same time about anything.
"What did you do after I was gone?" I ask him and I could see how his face pales a bit but it returns to his normal color in no time. So I do as if I didn't notice.
" I searched for you and after I couldn't find you I went with Michael and some others" he says after a few seconds
"Oh, did you have a good time?" I ask
"Yeah, well, I would have had a better time if you were there." He answers and winks at me. How does he have the balls to do this to me and then wink at me. With that we finish our food and he takes me home. We kiss and he wants some action. So I tell him as usual, that I'm not ready. Luckily for him, he doesn't push it. Because if he did I would probably lose control and kick him in his guts. Though he deserves it, my plan will hurt him more than physically, I hope.

Natalie point of view:
Today is sunday, so I don't have to go to work, i decided that today is a good day to go to the hospital to ask questions.
I decided to tell my best friend Kara about me. She is my best friend so I knew she would understand it and help me.
Hey, I'm going to the hospital to ask questions. Wanna come?
Not even a minute after my phone buzzes.
Sure, I'd love to. Give me two minutes and I'll be there.
When she arrives I give her the direction. We go in her car, its a blue Yaris Toyota. While she gets out of the community I put the direction of the hospital in her GPS. It tells us that we'll be there in 45 minutes. The ride is quiet. I keep thinking about the questions and imagining the possible answers and scenarios. While I'm dreaming we arrive to our destination. When we enter the hospital we go straight to the the main office.
"Hi, how can I help you?" Says a really nice girl, maybe in her late twenties, early thirties.
"Yeah, do you know who can I ask for documents to?" She seems a little thrown off by my question.
"Documents? What kind of documents?" She asks
"The ones that tell you who was born in an specific day and time" after that she stays silent and looks at me weird.
"Don't worry its not my baby, its me" i tell her, because I kind of know that she's thinking that is my baby and, that maybe I want it back. Or something.
"Oh, then maybe its not even at the computer." She says looking at me. I guess for my age. "Follow me, and I'll help you look for it."
She says, I'm getting nervous.
We follow her and she guides us to her office.
"Okay, so tell me the year, day and time you were born" she tells me. So I do.
"I was born in 1997, the 23 of July, and at 9:25 am" i tell her looking at the paper that my parents gave me.
"Okay, so, here tells me that the only baby born at that time died 2 hours after being born, and there is no other one, sorry. Are you sure its this hospital?" Fuck, why is this happening to me??
"Yeah I'm sure. Couldn't it be an error?" I say in a shaky voice.
"No, I don't think so. But I can give you the name of the doctor that was there? If you want to?" she says giving me a sympathetic look.
"I'd like that please." I tell her, while I feel a tear falling to my cheek.
She writes a name on a blank paper and tells us to follow her. After she gives us the paper we leave.
The car ride, again, is silent. Minus some of my sobs that I try to contain, but fail miserably. What have I done to deserve this? Please maybe I snuck out a couple of times but I don't think my karma is that bad.

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