Chapter 13:

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Elsa's POV:

As I went to get out the car I saw why Harry was looking at me with disbelief. Okay I think I was fucking hallucinating. How could this be possible? Me. A twin?This is so fucking weird. I, this, cannot be possible. I must be dreaming. Yes this has to be. All must have been a dream, I was still sleeping next to Harry with his arms around me, making me warm.

I close my eyes and I open them again expecting this to be over. I don't even know what this means. Are my parents my real ones? Am I adopted? Before my thoughts could go deeper I voice interrupted them.

"OMG. We look the same!!" She screamed while she came to me and hug me. She really happy and loud, she almost left me deaf.

"How can this be possible?" Its the only think that I'm able to ask.

"Oh. Of course, you didn't know about me. Well, I'm Natalie." She tells me. Wait she knew about me? How?

"You can ask me anything. If I know it I'll answer it." She says as if reading my thoughts. Wll we are twins so maybe we have a special connection... Yeah, no. Who am I kidding.

"How did you know about me?" Its the first thing that comes to mind.

"Well it all began at my biology class, we were doing this think with the blood. When I got my results I asked my parents about it, and they told me that I was adopted." She pauses. I guess to let my brain get all this new information."After that my parents gave me the documents and I went to the hospital to search, and then to and old people house, to find the girl that was in my, our, birth. She told me that your, mine, I don't even know. The thing is that they think that I'm dead, they don't know I exist. The hospital lied." Okay I need a minute. This is too much. But I need to know more.

"How did you find me?" I ask her. Curiosity getting the best of me.

"2 or 3 nights ago, my boyfriend, Jason, saw you at this restaurant and told me. The next morning we went to the restaurant and asks for you, but the reservation was at Harry's name. Lucky for me Jason heard his name and he asked for him too. The girl gave us his number and you already know the rest." Wow. She got a lot just form his boyfriend seen me. I'm glad she did it.

I'm glad she found me. I always felt like something in me was missing. And now I also know why my parents look like they are sad on my birthday, I always thought that they didn't wan't me. That I was a mistake. That's why they prefer being away from me. Because I remind them of her. Maybe now that she's alive they'll  be around some more. Don't get me wrong, I like my freedom, but I would also like having a maternal and paternal figures next to me.

"I'm glad you searched for me" I tell her truthfully.

"Its what everyone would have done. If you learn that you have a twin sister you don't just ignore it. You find her." SHe says. Does she really believe it?

"So what do we do next?" She asks. 

"That. I think is the million dollar question." I don't know. I haven't thought about and her face shows that she hasn't thought about it either.

"You could meet my, yours, our parents." I say but it sound more like a question. 

"That would be awesome" She says. Her face lighting up.

 "That's a plan then" I say 

My phone buzzes as I say that.

Finally, we've been a long time waiting for this;)


 I decide to ignore it. After that we drift to a conversation to get to know each other better.

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