Interlude: What Really Happened at 4 Private Drive

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28 June, 2002.

Minerva McGonagall's office, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Highlands, Scotland.

Hermione was sitting in Professor McGonagall's office, being told that her 'parents' had died in a car accident a week before, and that the school had waited to tell her after her exams were over.

On the outside, Hermione was showing a mask of sadness and pain, but on the inside she was ecstatic. She was finally able to get away from the monsters. There was only one problem that stopped her internal celebrations, where would she stay now?

"Of course, we can contact a relative of yours and tell them about magic, so they will be able to take care of you." She heard her head of house say, snapping her out of the thinking stupor, as Harry would call it, she was in.

"NO! I mean, no, I don't have any relatives to take care of me. I'll just find a way to take care of myself until I come of age." She stopped McGonagall short, no way would she go to her 'relative's house', they were even worse than her supposed parents.

"How would you do that, Miss Granger? You are only twelve years old. I can have you stay with a person I trust if you would like, or maybe a family that is willing to help. There are a few that would be willing to take you in" McGonagall said, worried about her best student.

Coming up with a vague idea of what she would do, not wanting to be at her professors mercy, she said "No need, professor, I can stay with a friend for a while. If I need any help, I'll be sure to tell you, but I think I can do this on my own, so please don't worry."

"If you are sure Miss Granger." McGonagall said, still worried for her student, but willing to let her do what she wants for the time being.

"I am sure, thank you Professor. If you'll excuse me." Hermione said, getting permission to leave the office, as it was starting to get a little suffocating.

At McGonagall's nod, she stood up and quickly left the office.

And as she walked towards Gryffindor tower, her thoughts a jumbled mess, only one thought stood out the most, 'what am I going to do now?'


GryffindorThird Year Boys' Dorm, Eighth floor, Gryffindor Tower, Hogwarts Castle,Scotland.

"So, they're dead?" Fred said, as he, George, Hermione, Harry and Ron sat together in the twins' dorm room, Hermione telling them about the conversation she had had in McGonagall's office.

"Yeah..." Hermione said, sighing. "And as much as I am relieved by that, I don't have a place to stay."

"You can come stay with us." Ron said, knowing it was a stupid offer but saying it anyway in an effort to be helpful.

"You know I can't. You guys don't have the space, and your mother follows Dumbledore." Hermione said softly.

"How about Draco? He'd never say anything about you staying with him." George said thoughtfully.

"He wouldn't, but his father definitely would. You know what Draco says about him, he hates non-magicals." Hermione said, reminding them of the conversation they had had before with the young Malfoy.

"So what are you going to do?" Fred asked worried about his friend.

"I don't..." she started but was quickly interrupted by Harry "Why don't you stay with me? I can convince aunt Petunia to let you stay and we can tell Vernon it's an order from Dumbledore, forge a letter or something, we know Verny's scared of the old goat. That way you have a place to stay and I have someone to help me."

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